My sister in law just went to a live touring version of The Price is Right hosted by Mark L. Wahlberg (the antiques roadshow guy) and she told me that he made several inappropriate remarks to female contestants.
My sister in law just went to a live touring version of The Price is Right hosted by Mark L. Wahlberg (the antiques roadshow guy) and she told me that he made several inappropriate remarks to female contestants.
I love American Crew, they’re actually a client and I get free product. But agreed, several of their products can give a burning sensation to some people (the conditioner kind of feels like a cold burn) but I find it refreshing as hell.
That makes sense actually. I’m still very disappointed in all of this.
Why do they have to change Prairie Home Companion’s name? They’ve had a new host for awhile now, seems kind of unnecessary.
I’ve heard of him propositioning men in gyms before, and after a simple Google search I see that he has been accused of sexual battery and harrasement a few times. I hope everyone gets taken down.
I think it was just a matter of time before we started hearing stories about Mr. Spacey.
It’s amazing to me the mental gymnastics that I’m seeing in the comments trying to justify pirating. I get that a there isn’t a finite amount of a game, but morally it’s still simple.
Holy hell I have the same file on my laptop to this day.
You’re splitting hairs, and one kind of infers the other. I don’t know how you typed up “Sleep with me and I’ll help your career” as though that is a perfectly acceptable thing for someone to say. Offering such a thing is sexual harassment, and don’t twist yourself into knots trying to make it okay. It’s not okay,…
That’s actually the definition of sexual harassment.
I know you think you sound reasonable will all the “most rape accusers are honest’ talk, but you just accused this woman of “sleeping to the top” and then crying rape. Even Payne’s account claims that the two were having a consensual affair. You came up with “sleeping to the top” whole cloth, which tells me enough…
I just looked that up, holy fuck how does such a terrible thought even get made, much less spoken? George Will can go to hell for that.
And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up? Certainly not any favor with the Trump Administration or conservative media. You’d think that would convince even Fox News viewers to believe her but nope, they’re going to drag her through the mud.
Sheriff is a bit of a misnomer, what he really is is a jailer. He’s made a career out of making himself bigger than he is
You’d think you wouldn’t have to spell that out for people, but yeah maybe some fine print on the bottom of the invite would help.
“We’ll see about that.” BOOM uninvited. Disrespect wrapped up in a threat. That alone tells me that she finds herself more important than her sister’s wedding.
You’re already out of the grays so I guess I’ll respond. It’s abundantly clear that the commenters on this site find this situation absolutely tragic and have sympathy for Mr. Bolling’s loss. If you believe otherwise, you’re just seeing what you’d like to see.
Raising Chao in Adventure 2 Battle is one of the biggest highlights of my childhood gaming experience.
I know many disagree, but I love Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (Battle). I haven’t played a Sonic game since, but if they made a proper Sonic Adventure 3 (without the Tails/Eggman levels) and doubled down on a detailed and rewarding Chao garden, I’ll consider the money spent.
No More Heroes 3?!?! I had no idea that was coming, I’m super stoked! The first two were super fun games.