
3DS games always look far worse in screenshots.

For me? I was.... like 8 when the Berlin Wall fell. My formative years were right in between that and 9-11. So yeah I guess I'm in that unless. The Cold War ended eventually. I don't think this one will ever really end.

Fucking tracer.

They really need to fix their digital licensing and account system before they expect me to actually buy digital from them. Having had my 3DS stolen once, I don't want to deal with their asinine digital system again.


Heck no UBRS was way more straightforward to navigate than WC was. I got turned around in there more times than I can count. At least in UBRS all the corridors didn't look the same.

I'd love to know what fictional world you are living in because no long term WoW veteran remembers that place fondly. Sure it gave us a few videos that were fun like Jenkins but outside of that back in the day when it was new? It was super stinking long, very boring, lots of easy mistakes could wipe the party, the

O no! Someone used a 6IV Ditto (which can happen legitimately, albeit extremely rarely to the point of absurdity)! They might have the Destiny Knot give them a 5IV Pokémon in 30-60 minutes instead of 2 hours! The HUGE MANATEE!

Ah, the old argument that the writer is writing what they write because they're just trying to get clicks. Yeah, a succinct, non-histrionic headline and a bunch of reporting mixed in with argument sure are the telltale signs of a writer who doesn't give a damn about what they're saying and is just cravenly farming

Let me do a pre-post of the common comments so we can avoid clutter.

seriously. Multiplayer, shoot and loot with an RPG concept... and it flipping has claptrap? Are you kidding, Bungie?

This guy sounds like a Salarian

I don't think we drill that stuff into reader's heads. I think the ethos here has always been to talk about what we think people care about. Fact is, people care about that stuff. I may not agree with the obsession, but it's there. Granted, we'll always talk about what we think you should care about too. As with any

I'm married to an employee. It was a shock.

It's a ridiculous deal, and they've been running it for like two weeks now. Crazy uncle Bezos must be off his meds again.

If you haven't yet downloaded GTA: San Andreas from Amazon, they're still giving away $20 in coins with your purchase, so you could use your $10 credit to buy the game, and end up with $23 and six new apps in your pocket without spending a penny. [$10 in Free Amazon Coins]

Errr... "No PC version" usually kills this kinda thing. I'm surprised more people haven't withdrawn their pledges.

I guess this game deserves a .....

... titan of a GIF *sunglasses*

no this game will come nowhere close to wow. Firstly it not on pc where the mmo market is. Secondly any mmo That copies the boring aspects of wow have failed terribly, this game from trailers and gameplay seem to be doing just that, kill x boss and get y item fetch quests. I have a feeling this game will do well but

Call me when it is free to play. I would love me some more Elder Scrolls, but as a working married adult I just don't get enough time to justify a subscription. It took me over a year to "finish" Skyrim (around 120 hours play time) and that was basically the only game I played that year.