
well. I like the idea and hope it doesn’t suck. I will now forget about it until it comes out, or a real hype train comes along.

There are two games I regret skipping the Wii U for: Xenoblade Chronicles X (a bit) and Mario Maker (A whole lot).

I’m psyched that MM2 is coming soon. It’s been the thing I wanted on switch since I bought a switch.

not just wow pvp, but wow raiding, crafting, and economics. blizzard ONLY addresses the vocal toxic minority and doesn’t bother trying to make gameplay for EVERYONE fun.

42. Is there any other number worth thinking of?

wait... are you me? because you’re telling my story of playing the steamworld games....

conversely, I never have time to play on Saturday at all... so while I noticed them, I never had the chance to notice they weren’t there!

my teenage daughter whipped my ass at SSBU so hard that I haven’t played it at all since. I’ve lost all respect for myself, after having been juggled for a minute and a half then smashed off the screen.

1) it wasn’t, and 2) I did.

But  since we have different experiences, I expect you’ll ignore that to fit your pre-conceived narrative.

it was the DRM aspect of it for me. I was fucking pissed off by it. I was not running top of the line machines and ANY extra crap noticeably affected my game performance.

that’s... just wrong.

hot take: Anthem is a worse game than Andromeda (which is actually pretty good), because it tries to ignore the good part of Andromeda (story and character) and actively makes the BEST part of Andromeda (combat) worse.

Andromeda had interesting Biotic Powers that could combine with energy types and the jetpack jumps to

I can’t star this, no matter how much I want to. Here’s why:

given the propensity for white nationalist rhetoric to turn into white nationalist terrorism, I wouldn’t necessarily say “safely” when talking about ignoring the filth that frequent subreddits like that.

what? 5pm? that’s staying up late kiddo, we’re usually done with dinner and halfway to bed by then.

Now get off the lawn.

I noticed that. I’m hoping they design the rest of the game components (cards, tokens, etc...) with his aesthetic in mind.

I did a full fan print of this for my wife’s birthday a few years ago, using the Ilya print and play board. I’m curious to see how the new set looks... it’s hard to beat Ilya’s beautiful board design.

I wonder if my characters on Cazic-Thule, or Tunare are still there... hmm....

yeah... this is in ridiculously poor taste. I get what you’re trying to do, but it’s still shitty. 

I’m in the same boat, Jason. It’s ridiculous to try and play, as i’ve spent more time loading than actually playing. I’ll try once after the “day 1" patch, but I don’t hold out any hopes that they will actually bother fixing the problems.

There was an interesting reddit thread exploring the game performance that might