
what? 5pm? that’s staying up late kiddo, we’re usually done with dinner and halfway to bed by then.

Now get off the lawn.

I noticed that. I’m hoping they design the rest of the game components (cards, tokens, etc...) with his aesthetic in mind.

I did a full fan print of this for my wife’s birthday a few years ago, using the Ilya print and play board. I’m curious to see how the new set looks... it’s hard to beat Ilya’s beautiful board design.

I wonder if my characters on Cazic-Thule, or Tunare are still there... hmm....

The new Duck Tales is bloody fantastic, smart, and hilarious to boot. The golf episode with the my little kelpies was so ridiculously dark and funny that I’m amazed disney allowed it to exist at all.

This is how you do a series reboot with respect to source materials. 

yeah... this is in ridiculously poor taste. I get what you’re trying to do, but it’s still shitty. 

Not to poo-poo on the article or excuse facebook, but this sounds like just about any other shit call center job. All of them treat employees like hot garbage or a convenient piece of ass, all of them do horrible things to employee morale and self esteem, and all of them have their share of suicidal drunks and people

I’m in the same boat, Jason. It’s ridiculous to try and play, as i’ve spent more time loading than actually playing. I’ll try once after the “day 1" patch, but I don’t hold out any hopes that they will actually bother fixing the problems.

There was an interesting reddit thread exploring the game performance that might

Fondly. and it was way, WAY better than Anthem.

absolutely nothing. It’s a great system. I just want it on the portable system I take everywhere, instead of the one sitting in my drawer at home.

and here it is:

I’d really like them to port that from 3ds to the switch, too. :p

Cut blizzard out. you’ve essentially outlined a lose-lose situation, so which loss costs YOU personally? Blizzard is fucking done for, though.

but... why?

define exotic. Last time I tried, I had a hard time getting simple vlookups and matches to function right, much less the nested if vlookup sumproduct and error hiding formulae I frequently use to make data sets ready for pivoting. 

For the blurb on planet: that’s a d12, not a d10. 

So... interesting. Kingdom Hearts found me as a slacker college student when it came out in 200(2? 3?) and I bought a PS2 just to be able to play it. And I bought it.. and a friend immediately lost it. six months later, I got a new copy and played a lot of it, loved it, but never finished it. by 2006 when KH2 came

Wait.. a tech writer who can’t function without apple devices? Why is that an acceptable basis from which to write *anything* about tech?  that’s utterly ridiculous.

lepin is both bad (as in, not manufactured as well) and a bunch of intellectual property thieves. Recommending it is pretty shitty.