
Not being a DoTA fanatic, all the play by play here really just translates to “The enemy’s gate is down” to me...

I’m not advocating violence here, but have you considered stapling your paystubs to his testicles while beating him about the head with a rolled up copy of all the lesson plans you’ve had to create?

what you don’t trust skinheads? why ever not? they’re certainly well known for their racial harmony, restraint, and overall toleration of anyone who might not fit their perfect, Aryan ideal.

/s, for clarity.

I actually haven’t started this month’s event. I haven’t built up the gold for it yet - I used all my gold so far to buy Jekk’s bounty and Horus Traver.

I’m ridicuolusly addicted to ETERNAL right now. It’s like hearthstone had a baby with Magic the Gathering, and it’s great. The card economy isn’t nearly as brutal as hearthstone’s, and it is very generous with free content. I am also planning on trying to get in some more BOTW... but that’s tough.

Oh, and I am running

1) What’s the coverage plan for E3 like this year? There’s a lot of companies that seem to be taking out bigger booths than normal (nintendo, square/enix) so I’m curious if that’s going to need additional journalist-power to get a good look?

2) can I please be ungrayed? pretty please? it’s been years.

**Cough Cough** Samuel R. Delaney **Cough Cough** Octavia E. Butler **Cough Cough**

Black Geniuses, Writers of Science Fiction, and completely ignored outside the SF/F community.

Ok, what the ever-living fuck is wrong with ya’ll?

In this year, there was a major scandal of about a literal rape-room in the Mormon Missionary Training Center in Utah, with Mormon Leadership recorded talking about it, and Jezebel didn’t cover it at all.

But they break up with the boy scouts for being too liberal and

you expect someone to have actually read the prompt? How have you maintained such naive optimism?

Fuck Heathstone. Come play Eternal. Seriously.

another example of how gamers are pretty shitty, trashy people who don’t actually deserve the INTERNET. Overwatch, and Blizzard games in general, are shining examples of a radically toxic player base ruining otherwise excellent games.

Umm, yep. all the yes.

Speaking as a white guy whose parents moved to NM when he was in the 5th grade, and who finally moved away at 31 years old... yeah. The tourists suck, and they always have. It’s cultural appropriation at its worst.

Me? I just

That’s awesome. I’m glad to see that at least some workers are trying to protect themselves and their work from over-exploitation.

Thanks Shep.

I’ve been waiting for a deal like this one.

Thanks Shep.

I’ve been waiting for a deal like this one.

some fatuous fuckwit at my work said “well he must have done something” without knowing any of the news.

My response was “yeah, he was outside at night while black.”

Note that this is also discounted in the Nintendo E-Shop, which will net you 75 coins of loyalty program money.

Note that this is also discounted in the Nintendo E-Shop, which will net you 75 coins of loyalty program money.



I have owlboy on PC. I regret paying for it. the dialog in the beginning was so cringe-inducing that it actively discouraged me from even trying.

Game’s pretty, though.

EA companies make a lot of objectively bad decisions that are out of touch with the desires of the market. We’re all used to blaming EA, because EA is the common factor - but I bet there’s a strong cultural element that trickles down from EA to its development studio managment, which then gets filtered down the chain

This also applies to customer service surveys. on a 1-5 scale, a 4 is the type of rating that gets you a talking to, and a 3 is abject failure. On 1-10 scales, the only acceptable responses are 9 or 10.