
Jesus. my 30s have sucked so badly that I don’t know if I can take what the 50s might have in store, if this holds true.

I’m just going to point out that WOW breeds shitty behavior like this, almost constantly. This certainly takes it to a new level, but the incessant focus on stats and absolute perfection that the wow community demands, along with the clique-y nature of guilds means that shit like this is just going to be par for the

I used to work at a La Quinta Inn, which offered prepackaged hardboiled eggs as a part of it’s continental breakfast.

Every fucking week some jackass would put one in the microwave. The eggs, of course, would just explode, showering the inside of the microwave with yolk and white, superheated, removing the ability of

I played the ever-loving-SHIT out of Soul Blade, on my PS1. That game was fucking awesome.

I never had any of the caliber sequels, but now... I have the system, at the time the game comes out... maybe I’ll pick this up....

7th. Soul Blade was a thing for us old farts.

I am running my 5th session of Starfinder for my game group! oh, and I have a bunch of things to do in my long-term minecraft world.

I might try to get some public quests in on Destiny 2, also.

It’s my personal belief that there are some quality of life fixes that happened during the Vanilla era that should remain in the game. Being able to choose a multi-legged flight path is a great example of those fixes. That being said, it wouldn’t really feel like vanilla unless the full class spec and unbalanced

1) can I please be ungrayed?

I’m still sad from the announcement. Torchlight 2 is a great game, and I’ve put more than 120 hours into it. I actually prefer it to diablo 3 - It’s got all the right elements, but without the blizzard bullshit.

PS: Can I please be ungrayed. Pretty please. like seriously?

I’m down. I actually liked the game when it was challenging and I got real talent points to distribute.

Too bad Microsoft doesn’t.

Tell that to Freelancer.


There really has been a massive influx of board games based on video game properties in the last few years. XCOM was, in typical XCOM fashion, increidbly difficult. Now we’ve got Dark Souls and Bloodborn as games, Fallout is coming up rather quickly, and the newest version of Sid Meyer’s Civilization isn’t far behind

The outright toxicity of overwatch is so incredibly disheartening that I don’t play any more. Problematically, this is an issue that follows most of blizzard’s games - World of Warcraft especially, but I’ve seen the nastiness in Diablo and HOTS too. I’m sure it’s in starcraft, but I haven’t played any multiplayer SC

Probably no one will ever see this comment, but...

My ex-wife dumped me, and refused to talk to me about it. I was torn up about it for years. Then I met a woman, fell in love, planned to get married, etc... and my ex wife called me out of the blue. What did she say? “I’m not ready for you to get married yet.”


I think the meta-discussion of overwatch, at least at this point, needs to start including how the game adheres to Blizzard’s overall philosophy on long-term game design and balance.

Blizzard has, for the last decade, been very big on keeping things “fresh” by making constant balance changes. If you look at the history

I stopped playing in legion when they screwed fire mages so completely and utterly that it invalidated several months worth of my work.

I wasn’t a top tier player, I didn’t have the legendaries that allowed complete destructive power, and damnit I didn’t deserve to be screwed over like that.

The fact that blizzard

Still no Red Dead Redemption for PC?

I fucking loved it. I thought it was funny as hell.

I recognize that it was way too sorkin-dry for most people, though.

Grayson, did you get down to the PC lounge area where the student projects had set up their games? One guy had put together a competative tetris variant that was really a lot of fun - great catch up mechanisms and such. It definitely needed some polish, but it’d be good to see some writing on how Digipen has been