
I was like “Heeeeyyyy!” right along with Issa when he showed up.

Oh and I never laughed as hard as I did this whole episode.  Yall didn’t even mention Thug Yoda!  LOL 

Well I would agree with the Lawrence is only back for the audience theory, if HBO didn’t require full seasons completed before airing.

But do you really want Pastor’s Body to get run over by the Molly Train? He seems far too nice for that. Molly don’t need to be setting any dates besides ones on the calendar with her therapist.

Regarding point number 3, I really hope that’s not true. He’s a good dude, and IMO, adorable. That would be really shitty if they like each other and she turns him down for superficial reasons. :(

1. I’m gonna say it because no one has....the primise of woot woot sounds dated as hell. I see why no one picked it up.

They just seem to manipulate for their own messy amusement.

They really seem to old to be making these college level mistakes.

But Daniel saying “now we’re even,” no matter how lightly he meant it.....

Derek did try to give Lawrence some knowledge, but he didn’t want to hear it. Yes, Tiffany is trash, but these folks are also totally immature and don’t know how to conduct themselves in a social situation.

I’m Sigma_Since93 and I approve this message. Both of them always come off as the subject matter expert couple.

I view the dudes on the show via the lens of people I would hang around and man I couldn’t deal with these cats.


The Lawrence character was rigged from season one as a clueless loser. Only after getting himself together did he all of a sudden become a worthy catch to have as a mate. And once he found out Issa’s dark secret his righteous angry manifested in the most explicit sexual encounter of season one with the girl who liked

“everyone isn’t going to like you, everyone isn’t going to understand.”

Lawrence is prototypical Nice Guy™️, he read the temperature of the room and needed Issa to know it wasn’t like that... Because he can’t not be viewed as nice. Same reason he went to Tashas cookout he ain’t want to, same reason he invited coworker bae because she was embarrassed earlier. But then... When hos nice guy

I also found her inviting herself to Lawerence’s friend’s birthday party to be a

“Corn maze was epic. You guys missed out.” A great out of context line.

Is Aparna really classy and mature, though? Remember she slept with that other dude at work and now calls him a “bad decision” in front of everyone. She may be a beautiful woman, but in her early scenes her energy seemed very “douche-bro”ish to me.. Probably has to be like that in the overly-male-oriented tech world,

“I’ma put a dozen eggs in a water gun, we gonna roll up to that n****’s house, and just [gun noise] I’ma spray his face with cum eggs.”