Boosted G37

“This show of comedians joking around over coffee is highly offensive to me”

Don’t cut yourself on all that edge

Why? It’s pretty good. They get good guests, the cars are cool, and the episodes are relatively short.

Mr. Charles’ show was called “Jokesters in Vehicles Acquiring Java”. Totally different show.

If I had that haircut I’d kill myself.

What’s the endgame for these edgelords? Suicide is a problem. It devastates families. You don’t see me out there telling recovering alcoholics “Pick up the bottle YOU PUSSIEZZZZ.”

Show me the whole damn car! Jesus... can’t stand all these detail shots without an overarching establishing shot

Have you driven a 675LT? or 570s? or 720s? Hell even a 12C? Drive one at Sonoma, and drive a 12C at Sonoma then ride in a P1 at Sonoma. Cause I have and 1) they are not fax machines (how original of you to use a Top Gear quote) and 2) they are not clones of each other.

Mclaren got along fine with Mercedes. Until Ron Dennis and others realized that the engineering greatness at Mclaren could make road cars every year.

‘“Working with McLaren, I’ve realised that they are a very big company which is very systematic,” said Yamamoto in an interview on the Honda Racing website.’

This is why I love McLaren. Ferrari would’ve just blamed their client for hurting themselves and then told them to suck it up.

I think I saw this guy on a 60 Minutes segment back in the fall (it comes on after football, man, get off my nuts!). They were doing a deep dig on social media influencers and how people like this guy rake in money by being popular on Vine and Instagram. He’s basically a slightly less obnoxious Kardashian with an

It was lucky it’s a non-issue. Those signs are generally there for a reason, and he had no reason to assume it wasn’t a big deal. The internet was right, and Mike Pence is an inconsiderate jackass.

The picture is still funny, no matter what.

Liberal garbage written by establishment elites.

Fun fact: each of these shitty row house in Bed-Stuy is worth more than your typical red state township.

It’s kind of weird that we don’t have a similar group protecting our rights as car owners. Gun owners have a dang constitutional amendment protecting them, what do drivers have?

Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?

What are they doing with the V-10? Because I’m thinking Miata swap.