hey now


My final words to you because obviously you are a dumb shit....FUCK YOU !!!!

Fuck you ,asshole.... where the fuck did you grow up ,you stupid piece of shit? Where I grew up, there was plenty of street crime ,car break ins, sct...... if you saw something,you did called the cops....... I bet if you had been a witness to Kitty Genovese getting stabbed, you would have turned away and did

So say nothing....she did the right thing, the cops overreacted, case closed

He was fixing the trim on his car. To someone watching it certainly could look like he was attempting to jimmy open the car. I have no idea if that area is a high crime area or not, but see something say something

Well, no,Monique I posted the link to the guardian to emphasize that the vast vast majority of blacks killed by police were armed and engaged in criminal activity .... look it up..... the thing most damaging to the black community is its woeful lack of self reflection

Garner died from being a fat lazy fuck

She did what she was suppose to do. She saw something fishy, she called the cops. See something, say something

HA HA HA no!!!


Black tears.... WAH WAH WAH

Makes perfect sense..... DRUGS...

Why is MJ like Walmart?

If only Corey Booker had been on the ticket, then MAYBE The 93% that showed for Obama would have came out this time........

Jennifer Beals ?

So are you saying”First world concerns/problems” —— Because you know that aint gonna fly with the jezzie girls!!!!

Is that Daniel day Lewis??