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    I hope he is using that Everdrive 64 legally.

    I could have sworn that someone at the PS4 press conference said something about Gran Turismo at launch.

    This wouldn't have happened if there was no Call of Duty.

    I will use my money any goddamn way I want to.

    Well, you can't buy MS Office anymore. Now you get to rent it one year at a time.

    Ain't NOTHIN' wrong with that! Retro? In MY gaming commercial? It's more likely than you think.

    Reminds me a bit of Weev and AT&T.

    I think it was actually referring to the need to be near the PS4 system rather than playing the game via the Internet from far away.

    I like these proper definitions: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=addicting

    Who doesn't?

    No, I think it's more like Sony was the Ninja who cut out the heart of the Microsoft Shogun while he slept.


    Where were the formerly male homosexual transgender female turned heterosexual and after some deliberation decided to become lesbian before finally reversing the transgender process and going back to male turned heterosexual? Huh? Answer me!

    Little Big Planet uses it well, and it is quite useful when playing PSX classics. Also, the front touch gives it the capability to do games like (ugh) Angry Birds and such as they were meant to be played. Also point and click adventures would be pretty cool.

    What do you mean exactly? Are you making a comment about SSD drives? Are you commenting about storage in general?

    That's so Math!

    Unless the game is 15GB or larger. Then driving to the store, picking up the game, going out for dinner, catching a movie, driving back home, installing the mandatory data and finally playing the game is still much faster.

    I read yesterday that your reliable source was raided by the police serving a warrant for Microsoft-related allegations. SuperDAE, isn't it?

    I can haz spam?

    Exactly, it's so easy even a Mac user could do it.