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    Ain't NOTHIN' wrong with that! Retro? In MY gaming commercial? It's more likely than you think.

    Reminds me a bit of Weev and AT&T.

    No, I think it's more like Sony was the Ninja who cut out the heart of the Microsoft Shogun while he slept.


    Where were the formerly male homosexual transgender female turned heterosexual and after some deliberation decided to become lesbian before finally reversing the transgender process and going back to male turned heterosexual? Huh? Answer me!

    Little Big Planet uses it well, and it is quite useful when playing PSX classics. Also, the front touch gives it the capability to do games like (ugh) Angry Birds and such as they were meant to be played. Also point and click adventures would be pretty cool.

    What do you mean exactly? Are you making a comment about SSD drives? Are you commenting about storage in general?

    I read yesterday that your reliable source was raided by the police serving a warrant for Microsoft-related allegations. SuperDAE, isn't it?

    I can haz spam?

    Exactly, it's so easy even a Mac user could do it.

    These used to be called shareware games.

    Elder Scrolls and Fallout on MY Vita? It's more likely than you think.

    They're owned by GameStop. That's a terrible potential for conflicts of interest. Remember when Dan "Shoe" Tsu blew the whistle on the connection between reviews and bribes? Well, it hasn't gotten BETTER since then....

    Actually I really want to ditch the iPad for a Surface but until they release a 4g radio equipped model I'm stuck with iOS. I'm one of the few that still has the $30/month unlimited iPad data plans and I will never give that up until they pry it from my cold, dead credit card.

    Right, except the $1200 model I assume you're referring too runs full windows 8 and I've heard there are a few "apps" available for that OS.

    No, because those are stories that have never happened.

    I loathe the term "man cave". How about not being a pussy and do what you want in your own damn house. Tell your girlfriend/wife you don't mind if she wants to set up a "woman cave" for herself.

    Have these guys been threatened by penny arcade's lawyers yet?

    Smithsonian channel had a doc about those and basically ended it by calling bs on the old dead woman who claimed to have found it on a treasure hunt with her father back in the 1920's.

    No, she wasn't. Her point was Canada was a U.S. war ally during the Vietnam conflict. They most certainly were not. They sold supplies to the U.S. If you think that's technically correct, then you must believe that the U.S. helped Al Qaeda destroy the WTC because the CIA supplied them with arms in the 80's.