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    The greatest marketing/advertising campaign ever was the New Coke campaign. Coca-Cola still pretends like that was a big accidental folly, but I think that it was a very well planned bit of marketing genius. Coke's been #1 ever since then.

    Plus, people that own Macs tend to buy only Apple branded or officially licensed accessories.

    That's ridiculous. Macs use the same components that Windows PCs use so it makes no sense that you would have to upgrade a Mac any less often.

    I just watched this over the weekend. Great comedy!

    If you know a persons phone number there are a lot of ways to get information from the phone. The easiest thing to do is listen to their conversations and get their contacts. Smartphones are particularly susceptible to attack. Check out linux distro known as BackTrack, [www.backtrack-linux.org], it is way too powerful

    What, are they afraid they won't be able to control themselves and jump head first into a big gay love fest? I hate to tell them but they can't go hiding their true selves from themselves forever. They'll end up as radical right wing politicians if they try.

    Does anyone know a link to a place that shows the damage file sharing is doing to the music and film industries, etc.? I really would like to see a chart or graph or some statistics that portray the real financial damage these file swappers are causing. Or, maybe the lack thereof.

    He had it built this way because he was nostalgic for his childhood home. Kidding of course, love ya Dick.

    Oh yeah, domo-kun vs meat boy.

    It's the weak lead-free solder, if you keep the system in the same place all the time it lessens the chances of that solder cracking.

    I could see it being useful in a commercial restaurant application. Can't think of any dishes right off the top of my head, but that's not what I do for a living.

    Goddamn owls.


    If there were ever a meme-worthy photo this would be one for sure. The whole pic, though.

    Adventure Time filled the gaping hole Flapjack left behind.

    What the hell is that site? I went to the home page and it's some crazy stuff!

    I'm sure it took two days because the Michigan team changed the password and didn't share it.

    A friend of mine once told me if you have a long trip to go on (not driving, of course) and you get really high first it's like you time travel forward to your destination. This must be why.

    Do I have to put my pinkie out when I use one?

    Is this the same thing as circular polarity? Because if it is, there ain't nothin' new about that!