Don't worry, only the ultra-wealthy will be able to afford such luxuries and they can afford to feed themselves.
Don't worry, only the ultra-wealthy will be able to afford such luxuries and they can afford to feed themselves.
Many ethical issues are most certainly illegal including using an alias to commit fraud. Why do you think Apple made this guy at another company on another continent be the patsy?
If it's anything like Charlie Sheen's Wraith, then I'm hacking some kindle 3G tonight!
Is that why my iPad on 5.0.1 keeps crashing in Safari like it did when I first got it? 4.3.3 was finally working smooth and they had to go screw it up.
Yet it still sucks 85% of the time.
So very true.
I own an iPad 1 and a Vita and while I use both equally as much, I use them for very different reasons. iPad for gaming sucks. As a matter of fact, if the iPad only allowed me to web browse and watch Netflix that would probably be enough. I own quite a few games on my iPad and I very rarely play any of them. If all I…
Sega did collaborate with Microsoft on the Dreamcast. That's when Microsoft stole all of their good ideas for the xbox from Sega.
Just buy the 3G model and get the free stardust and 8gb card and wait for the 32gb card to drop later. I love mine! Rayman, uncharted, lumines, I'm having a blast. Best hardware launch (for me at least) in a long while, and I'm an early adopter of everything.
I've only had one freeze and I have about 100 hours on it. I also am playing the game on a launch 60gb (upgraded to 320gb) unit. I do take obsessive care of my hardware, though.
If he really does think the human race doesn't deserve to exist he should prove his conviction by example.
You should be able to find out that and many other things like it via the 'Freedom of Information Act'.
Kim Dotcom lived well.
A little more than half does not equal 'Everyone'. As a matter of fact, it's actually a little more than HALF of 'Everyone'.
Thank you Mr. Underwood! I've been trying for years to recall the name of this film. When I was a kid my parents took a trip to the video rental store every week and I the box art for this one stuck in my mind to this day. I just could never put my finger on it until your article freed my memory. Gracias!
On the subject of quickly cancelled sci-fi tv shows from the 80's, remember Automan? It was terrible but I was captivated by it mostly due to the Tron style rip off special effects and the fact that kids are dumb.
I still don't understand twitter. I know what it does and how people use it, I just can't wrap my head around how something that celebrates self-masturbation is so accepted and widely used. Of course the same can be said for Facebook, too but it actually has a tiny shred of usefulness beyond a phone call, a letter or…
Bill Clinton invented cigar-fucking interns.
The fact that 25 handsets have a cumulative worth of over $16,000 is what bothers me most about this story. Who's the worse thief here?
Also, this could be some high school kid at his/her first job. No record yet.