I guess you guys couldn't get your hands on the Panasonic P65VT30?
I guess you guys couldn't get your hands on the Panasonic P65VT30?
Do you spend a lot of time here?
That's not very patrotic of you. Don't you love America enough to pay your tithing? WWJD indeed.
I really don't see the data as being a problem since I plan to use it mostly for online gaming which typically doesn't use much bandwidth.
I agree, I'm more of a Sony and Nintendo fan and this would be the perfect thing for Microsoft to do to make sure they get last place next generation!
I didn't realize Jason Sudeikis was an extra in Gangs of New York. Look by 'Gabes' left shoulder.
What if the person just meant consensual bi-racial sex?
That's exactly what it is, a 4chan /b/tard trolling the common folk.
They should buy Lightsquared's bandwidth and use it for communication. Because what does it matter if first responders have good, working GPS if they can't talk to each other?
I think it's more like comparing shit to shinola.
Maybe they create the image at a higher res and then shrink it down to the native res of the device to improve image quality even at the lower resolution. I've done it before.
It's a joke. Watch Team America World Police.
No shit. It doesn't matter too much though because they're going to be watching you if they want to anyway. No warrant needed!
I call BS.
I was thinking geyser, actually.
Stranger In A Strange Land, awesome story & I hear Tom Hanks is the current owner of the film rights. That would make a great film in the right hands. Good to meet a fellow Heinlein fan.
I always liked the soft grass Ben Caxton had in his apartment as described by Heinlein. Real grass is the luxury flooring of the future in 1961. I actually know an MD who has a beautiful tree growing in the middle of his home that they built the house around. It's very cool though I'm not sure what type of tree it is.…
What are you doing?
So in other words both of them are scripted.
Gabe looks like a husky John Lennon.