
My all time favorite example of this was an acquaintance's mother who as VP was charged with buying a new fleet of vehicles for the company. She did some research, went to the dealership, did test drives and talked specks, and finally settled on a car, but before she could explained that she wanted a dozen of them,

Honestly, the best way to deal with car buying is to do 95% of it over the Internet - make multiple dealers bid down against each other until they can go no lower, and when you do finally go in to finalize things, make it clear that you've got other very viable options and are ready to walk at the first smell of

Take a pause, man. It's not about pointing out your weakness, I was generally curious if you meant a mentality related to "hoarding", or a mentality related to "hordes" or maybe "herds". This is a common problem with phonetic homonyms.

I appreciate that you're struggling with communications, I've had similar

Finally someone with the real scoop. You posted what I came here to say. My doc, an endocrinologist, gave me anastrozole and clomid along with my injections. Most docs don't do that, from what I've read. I asked him for HCG, but he was hesitant, so I'm considering other sources. Athletes and body builders take amounts

Thanks! You're awesome.

Thanks. It does.

I worked for MFC for a few months and made enough to cover rent (not high, I had a roommate), utilities, phone, and groceries. It was tight but I was able to pay bills. I'm sort of thinking about going back to it, honestly.

The little fartblossom understood enough to plan a murder and then stab another girl repeatedly. I'm sure she'd eventually manage to wrap her head around "Now I'm going to spend the rest of my life in this room."

Mark, there's porn happening in gifs in the comments. GROSS PORN MARK.

" the hentai I've come across..."

You know how I know you're not a woman? Because you post shit like this.

I've seen Aliens vs Predator. I know what's waiting for me down there.

Undocumented immigrants pay taxes. They pay sales taxes, they pay property taxes, many of them pay income taxes. IRS has a humongous file of tax forms with SSNs that don't exist. It's a common fallacy so pervasive as to be malicious that undocumented immigrants don't pay into the system, just as it a fallacy that they

You think undocumented migrants don't pay taxes? REALLY? Are you really that completely ignorant of how taxes in the US are collected?

Let me clue you in — it is impossible to engage in substantive economic activity in the US, no matter your status, without paying taxes. At a minimum, an undocumented worker will pay

They see me trollin', they hatin'