
Wow you’re stupid. You know you can’t control other people right? If two idiots want to talk, they can. Only solution is to kill them so they can’t spread their filth. Yes I’m promoting genocide of racist assholes and maybe kill their family too since they have been tainted.

The world would have been better off without internet. Kids would grow up with social skills and idiots will realize how alone they are.

your group leader just needs to say, “Look, this ain’t a democracy. If you agree with this alt right bulshit, shut up about it or get out.”

Either you’re ok with freedom of speech or you’re not. There’s no middle ground for free speech.

How bout Jews getting punch in the face for what they are doing to the Palestinian? I mean the Jews did steal it from the Arabs.

What kind of liberal are you? Don’t you ducking realize how stupid that is? You speak of freedom like it’s for everyone. Freedom is only for liberals and you can say anything you want as long as it’s the same as ours. It’s what makes the liberals superior. We want you to be allowed your civil liberties as long as

Today’s Nazi are worse because they are more ignorant and uneducated white guys. They don’t realize that Hitler would have them shot. Today’s racist run on pure hate and emotion and very little brain cells.

Ya, unless you sucker punch him, you might get your ass kicked being a pussy liberal who never fought for anything in your life. I suggest that you should send a strongly worded letter instead. Use your advantage and leave the fighting to us real men. Don’t worry we will protect you and you family, it’s what I get

I guess Trump will kill his daughter and son in law for being Jewish.

You and your kind are as worse as these racist. You see a problem and blame someone else without owning up to it. The only difference between you and the KKK or BLM is that your blame doesn’t point at a particular race. But it is still the same. You gate people who don’t follow your liberal ideals and you think

There will always be racism as long as there is a problem and people refuse to own up to it.

What’s stupid about white racist backing Trump is that they ignore facts. What goes through their mind regarding Ivanka being Jewish or her Jewish husband as Trumps senior advisor.

I am so upsets by this attack. Now the guy knows he will be punch and I won’t have a crack at him.

Lol yes please . Love golden stickers.

My day was great. That cunt Hillary wasn’t the one that took the oath. Would have preferred Bernie, but as long as it wasn’t Hillary, it’s still a win.

Wow, you just realize that this game exist. Did you just come from gawker? You know kotaku is game news site right? Or it was until your political whining ruined it.

Gawker does care about facts! How else can they trample truth if they don’t know what the truth is at first.

Cmon Gabrielle, you of all people know what plagiarism is, you built your career on it.

Fuck ya. Grab some pussy.

Not her own ass, it’s her cunt. Her asshole is too tight, her cunt, well you can fit a Ford F150 in there.