
They are both cunts.

I hear she’s selling her cunt for 50% off. So, if you got a $1.50, you can have it.

I care. Because how she works creates a lot of hot air and bullshit. And with global warming, this bitch needs to be shut down.

Like a cunt!

What are you libs bitching about now?!

First off, Jason is an ass hat and you should never believe him when he offers you candy. And he never keeps his promise too, I’m still waiting for that new Xbox if I didn’t say anything.

He’s alright, he’s no commander Shepard.

Beatles, that’s the really old band with the sailor and the Indian.

Trump is the joker, this proves it! So excited, can’t wait to see the world burn. Awesomeness!

Oh, so now you’re on the CIA side. What happened to that spying over our own citizen bullshit?

So, just like a mexican, being a burden to others huh.

That’s in Pesos. You forgot to convert. So 25 billion is like $1.50.

True. California is it’s own kind of politics. We love Republican Governors, but prefer Liberal Legislative. We hate gay rights (Prop 8) passed, but welcome them when it was overturned. We hate illegal immigrants, but we pick them up at Home Depot to work our gardens.

You know San Diego is a very Conservative county right and they border with Mexico. San Diego will make sure the border is secured just to shove up Gov. Brown’s ass.

And with liberals making kids into little pussies, no one is around in a generation or two to fight back. Thanks America, go fuck yourself.

Seriously though, Mexicans aren’t the problem. But there’s no walls we could build that can keep black people out.

Do what I do, be glad you’re white. If you’re not, then you need to get out. We don’t take kindly to your kind here boy...

You really don’t understand why he won huh. It’s not that they liked Trump, it’s that they hated that cunt Hilary so much. They would’ve have voted for Hitler in a heartbeat over Hilary.

I wouldn’t worship him. I’d probably say “Nice shot, but you know, Black Lives Matter.” And we’d laugh so hard we’d cry. Ahhhh... Good times...

Ya, it’s where mexican’s get their drinking water from.