
Worst dog still better than best cat.

Reporter: Can you describe how you felt when you were offered the scholarship and then when they rescinded it just two weeks before signing day?

In this boat story, I guess that guy’s playing the part of Odell Beckham Jr.

In OBJ’s defense, the grounds crew member kept telling him that he’s “not just a member of the grounds crew, he’s also a part owner of the team”.

Now playing

Happy New Year. It’s always Happy New Year.

He also post-dated their final paychecks for after the championship game.

Nick Saban has responded by spending 20 minutes silently assembling a rifle in front of his players while wearing a T-Shirt that reads “FUCKING TRY IT.”

Officer: Nice work, but you’re lucky to be alive right now.

Winter stars when it damn well pleases up north.