
Great list! I think you missed a beat by not having The World Ends With You on here. Thanks for the solid recommendations! 

I think you should re-read the book. Those same criticisms are littered all throughout the book, they just don’t punch you in the mouth the same way the movie did. Literally the last thing to happen in the book is Wade and Samantha saying they’ve had enough virtual reality.

You realize that you write articles on one of the most well known video game news sites there is, right? People see and agree/disagree/hate you forever/don’t care what you’re saying all the time. Do what feels right for you, but don’t be an ass.

Now playing

Since you are apparently too slow... I’ll let the king of burgers do God’s work.

You said Far Cry 2 was the best in the series... I could not continue reading this. I like your writing Kirk... but I just lost a little faith in your opinion. (Otherwise, great article)

This review feels like someone who put a lot of investment into the Mana series, was expecting a bigger, grander Mana series reboot and got disappointed. Can we get a review from the perspective of “I’ve never played about a Mana game and don’t care about that, I want to know if this game stands alone as something

My wife and I play through act 1 every time we start a new character. She loves the ambiance of act 1 and getting to level 70 isn’t always the point. Sometimes, the point is to just mindlessly murder stuff with a friend or loved one so you can ghost over their fallen corpses. Especially the ones that explode.