
I’ve got to say it’s interesting because if you removed the fact that Donald Trump is her father (which amplifies this to wtf territories my mind is too exhausted to bleach out) the things Trump has said about Ivanka would probably fall into a category of sexual harassment in most companies. Ranking her hotness.

As long as you’ve researched her and she still aligns with what you’d like to see in the presidency. I’m only pushing for being informed over knee jerk fair weather alternates.

If the candidate you vote to support is Jill Stein, you should probably research a little bit about Jill Stein.

Tony Sabato Jr. is kind of a Trump in his own way though. He took his father’s halfway fame (he was in a number of B movies) and turned it into piled up ad campaigns, a soap opera stint, AND a failed reality show.

You realize Jezebel is part of Gawker right? Or are you so daft you are actively refusing to turn to that ongoing post just so you can complain about it here, while totally derailing the subject of this post in all your self righteous Veruca Salt syndrome.

Exactly. It’s how people criticize Politicians for making things Political.



It’s a Grey Gardens line

Have you ever seen Network? If not make that next on your list and get back to me. The iconic “I’m mad as hell” scene is nothing compared to how prophetic the movie is about reality tv culture - and that was the 70s

And you in turn wrote an entire piece pretty much wrapped up in the Trump effect without mention of any of the content in Clinton’s speech. You're just as complicit. It sucks it's that much of a maze but it is.

Right? You’d think it was from all those times Trump invited Quadaffi to pitch his tent on his property because oop guess nobody wanted to house a guy who had financed Lockerbie.

WaPo is really shaving off at Trump, guess having Bezos for a boss is actually paying off.

Wait til The Cavs and Warriors NBA final shuts out the GOP convention at the Quicken Loans Arena (has there ever been a more foreboding stadium title? Like do you get scanned for your credit check w your ticket? I digress.) bc overlapped scheduling/actually wanting to see revenue. “I CANT GET NO RESPECT. I QUIT.”

I wonder what’ll happen when they bring up how Quadaffi was allowed to pitch his (literal) tent on Trumps property with Trump’s personal invitation.

I too only watched it a few nights ago, and was just thinking about picking up the book.

If you haven’t you should check out the German movie Look Who’s Back. It's on Netflix right now. Seriously one of the most foretelling movies I've seen in a long ass time.

This is the part that annoys me. Like you said, delegates were dismissed from BOTH groups as its part of the process of designating responsible delegates who will show up to the damn convention. This isn't that hard to understand people, it's actually pretty straight forward representational democracy at work.

Totally and absolutely. It’s pretty messed up that Broadway/US theater can’t see how beneficial doing movie theater streams would be even at the risk of bootlegs going online.

You know the band doesn’t see any of that money you’re overpaying for that ticket right? I can respect you putting a sentimental value on it for the sake of seeing what you want to see, but you’re not doing anyone but the reseller any favors thinking the tickets were ‘undervalued.’ they were valued what they were