
People cling to their myths and legends, regardless of any truth or facts behind them. Columbus never set foot north of Cuba, yet he’s credited by most Americans that he discovered America. Paul Revere never yelled about the British coming. Washington’s cherry tree. Betsy Ross making the flag. And, the Wright Brothers

With Ohio you have to read between the lines. What this really celebrates:

What a marvelous world we live in! When I was 28 we had to wait hours for a boobie picture to download and hope nobody picked up the phone while we were waiting.

Whose bicycles weren’t getting repaired while those jamokes were off defying God’s will?

Is there any more reviled institution in the US than car dealers? It’s a painful, time wasting experience to begin with. They are only good for dealing with recalls. Otherwise, they if they are entitled to charge you for car repairs as if their mechanics went to medical school. They often add ridiculous things

those headers...

Pretty clear where his penal code was standing...

Wait hold on, did that say a ‘67 Mustang is as streamlined as a loaf of breaD!?!?!

Yeah, but I’m saying that TruCoat. You don’t get it, you get oxidation problems.

Tesla is a meme stock. It’s cryptocurrency for folks who don’t want crypto. It’s Jimmy Fallon and Paris Hilton comparing Bored Ape NFTs.

Making cars is easy when you don’t have any competition to speak of.  It is a lot harder when you have to compete, let alone when the leader of your company is an asshat (kindest word I could think of).  No wonder Tesla is an AI company now.

Oh, this info is going to crush Tesla’s stock pri....(checks current market). Nevermind.

The test was rigged. They didn’t even butter the Land Cruiser!

Regardless of the why now questions or fuel for the “its all Trump” echo chamber....this seems like a win for all. You can make 3 car batters for one of these, and if you really need that much juice just buy an ICE or a hybrid. Not sure there was ever a natural market for this to support production. Whatever brainiac

Probably one of those DS AI crap I see everywhere now.

lol got me!

If I was given that first photo of the thing and forced to pick an adjective, I think I would pick “veiny” rather than “legendary.”

They have the vision, they have the designers, but even so this is hilariously ambitious.

If I remember correctly, the dirt stays at the venue in most places. They have like a dirt storage area near so the trucking and moving is more localized.