
Waffle House eggs? Seriously? have you eaten Waffle House eggs?

I’d give a cactus a 60-40 chance with her.

There isn’t a replacement? For what? SLS doesn’t exist! What’s being replaced if SLS finally does? I don’t know...but if you allocate the next 5 years’ money (that WOULD have been thrown at Alabama for absolutely dick) at something useful....

They have a giant collection, however this will likely be sold to a well connected Ferrari collector and will stay in the family in some way or form.

I did a feature for Digital Trends back in 2016 on the “new” space race and interviewed several people who told me the SLS was both a dead end and a boondoggle, especially in light of what Musk had on tap (Falcon Heavy had not flown yet).

From the news story it is clear that the monkey was the smartest one in the car and the "influencer" should be facing animal abuse charges as well as DUI. 

If SLS is canceled, there isn’t a straightforward replacement.”

Ummm.. Starship? Am I missing something here?

The $7500 loophole for leases is the one of the reasons I’m in an iX (which is a fantastic car).

Could you imagen being hungover during this?

That couple looks like they’re performing a dance scene from Grease.

You are reading my mind and I kindly request you stop before you get to the gross stuff.

What a shit bag.

most CA people will reg out of state. and buy also. the state of CA doesn’t need/doesn’t get sales tax most of the time on these. so what are they gonna lose?

It should have been cash up front. Invoices against it every week. 

Yeah this is stupid. These things are meant to travel all over the country. They’ll still come to CA and pollute the air but CA just misses out on all the economic benefits of selling them.

They’re trying to ban motorhome sales. If it passes I’m sure we’ll see a cottage industry pop up at various points along the CA border, just like North Carolinians hop down to the inferior Carolina to buy fireworks.

For things to go after this seems like an odd one, I bet very few see more than 5k miles a year. They pop up on marketplace pretty regularly with very few miles, I can’t see this having any effect on the environment vs commercial vehicles. The only positive potential would be for manufacturers to redesign the drive

These are all over Iowa, or were a few years back.  Took over some QTs and make ‘em Kum and Gos.  Made it much harder to rook personal ‘zas and po’ boys.

Reading all this, makes me think Trump will install Danica Patrick as head of Space Force to find all those lizard people. I mean, crazier picks have happened by Trump in the past 48 hours.   

Those idiots couldn’t find a fact in an encyclopedia haha