There is only one Moonbase Alpha. Thank you.
There is only one Moonbase Alpha. Thank you.
Wasn’t Moonbase Alpha the name of the base in that 70's sci fi show Space 1999?
Crack is wack
I’m cool with it. Little communal traditions like that are fun for the fans.
So you’re saying you were not entertained?
If ever there was a “dogs and their owners look alike” joke opportunity...
Anything that distracts/mocks the nationalism on display is a win in my book.
The same thing could be said of their cult leader/presidential candidate.
Encountering Stars fans on the road makes me wish that the team had stayed in Minnesota.
Win, win. On the one hand, it’s very stupid we sing it before hockey games. On the other, very fun and feel more connected to my fellow fans than I do as an American. Not disrespectful, because accomplishing both.
I’m a Stars fan, so I’m fine with a (sorta) hometown crowd doing it here. But that's it.
Dallas Stars fans yells “Stars” twice but I only know what because I went to a playoff game in Colorado where they beat the shit out of us lol.
The Blues do this (“and the home of the BLUUUUEEESSS!!”). It sounds like a boo which is always funny. But we do it at STL City games, too, which kind of bugs me.
I go back and forth on it as well, though I definitely don’t like when opposing teams fans yell it in stadiums when they are the visitors because then it’s just like 40 dudes shouting over an anthem.
Whitney was good, Marvin was better:
3rd gear: good plug in hybrids are a viable and neglected middle path that gets people using less gas. A client was raving about her RAV4 hybrid because all her commuting and errands are done on battery and only long trips on gas. I would definitely buy hybrid before BEV as a primary vehicle
I’m amazed people don’t talk more about Alexis Normand’s, where she completely blanked on the lyrics after a few lines and ended up having to be helped through it by a bunch of Canadians.
That’s what I saw thinking as well, plus sometimes I think they do break into other actual languages. They throw in just enough semi-decipherable words to keep up with what they’re talking about. Reminds me of Brad Pitt in Snatch.