Or if you are going to just drive a vehicle through the tunnel, make the tunnel of such size that you can use bog-standard electric busses that already exist? Still dumb, but getting a little less dumb.
Any surveyor worth a damn knows not to route over a clutch of dragon eggs. Big mistake.
It’s Alive probably doesn’t belong on this list, but it’s a lot better than you remember. All hail King Cohen!
What, are modern NFL players too pussy to punch out a horse?
It helps that it’s very clear that the racists are the butts of the jokes and are idiots, and that Richard Pryor was involved in writing the movie. That doesn’t make the n-word any less jarring when it’s used. I think the part that aged the worst are the gay dancers from the movie studio scene that leans too much into…
So a mini subway.
A connected chain of efficient buses running autonomously on a track?? What next, you’re going to say they run 24/7 and only cost a dollar to ride? What socialist future are you living in?!
See I never bought the “it’s in the water” argument. The final result has everything to do with temperature, time and surface. Can it affect the taste, maybe, but I would like to see a blind test, insert local pizza place, make one batch of crust with NYC water, and one without, no other variables, and see if there is…
I meant to add that to my comment! I think, too, he only ever quoted from the Old Testament, which is also telling.
As does almost all of MAGA.
If that pic is what one is then it looks exactly like a bar pizza to me, the description makes it sound like a bar pizza too.
Redemption. It’s a killer.
People like Tillman think they're invincible. They're too arrogant to acknowledge their basic vulnerability.
A vest wouldn’t help much, if at all, against a knife attack anyway.
Oh yeah, he’d be alright. But I’m just interested in what he literally did. Did he find some other shut in and say, “I live here now ... but I will keep a safe social distance as much as possible”?
Turns out Fargo were the friends we made along the way.