
Hear, hear.

What. The. Fuck.

I think Roy leaves a weapon above the door frame...just in case.

Oh and a lot of lube.

This is the dugout where Munch did his ritual -- and where he slaughtered one of the sheep(?).

And drums of personal lube. 

Canada never lost the double Bic Mac in the first place. Just one of several reasons why Canadian McDonald’s is better.

I assumed it was Gator’s mutilated face to overlay the mutilated animal carcass on the ground. It looked like the eyes were missing. 

Award show hosts have flopped before (Oprah? Uma. Uma? Oprah.) and will flop again, but he lost any good will from me when he started reprimanding the audience and throwing the writers under the bus.

I didn't remember the names but I assumed that was the pathetic Oregon standoff.  Yeah, it was a big deal at the time but ultimately was a drop in the bucket for thr Trump era.

I thought that was so weird too. I rewound to make sure I had seen what I had seen. It must be connected to Munch but I’m not sure why.

I’m in the greys so no one will see this, but legit question: has Taylor come out and said she was pissed about the joke? Is he hopping mad and everyone at the GGs has had earful about it? So far it seems like a lot of speculation from a lot of people (including this very site) without many facts, but I may just be a

The image of the face is creepy!

Maybe “Just in case” about leaving the lights on is for Roy to possibly need them on later for an escape should he need it.

Now playing

I feel like network television is a term specifically reserved for terrestrial broadcast networks NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and CW. So far this season, we’ve seen bare asses and F bombs, so the label doesn’t even apply. This show also has a history of showing the gratuitous in great detail.

I wasn’t sure about this either. My only guess was this was where Munch did his weird ritual before invading the house and that flash was just a reminder.

Looks like an El Chapo tunnel to me. Good catch on the ghost face!

Now Dave Foley is one of the Kids in the Hole.

I actually feel sorry for Gator.

The scale of the event at the ranch, with it being 2019 and all, and Roy Tillman having an internet presence he uses to rally the troops, it stretched credulity too much. It would be major news, and change so much about the future. While the other seasons have been blood baths, they were self contained, and felt like

I thought Munch was going for a Werner Herzog thing.