
I dunno if I can say that the writers actually intended for Dot to be traumatised, as nothing I’ve seen from the writing so far has made me think that they can scrape together that level of depth to a character.

They haven’t?

What if we copyright that title and sell it back to the company for massive bank?

I loved the BK “Mexican” original chicken. It 100% was not Mexican. But it was just that cheap food done good nostalgia for me. I think BK had the best spicy chicken sandwich with the short lived Ch’King or whatever they called it. But this was great on the other end of the scale, trash food I love.

You are insane, the Panera cinnamon crunch sandwich is insanely good

There are no Wawas where I live, but judging by that picture, I’m surprised it’s that bad. That pizza honestly looks better than most delivery chains.

Don’t you mean “only one remains”?

Going to look past 6'4" Kerry being played by a 5'6" vanilla midget. With that being said, this seems decent and we get the always wonderful Maura Tierney.

The quality of writing still has me asking more questions.  Did Tesla fail to provide a way to insure power to the assembly line was off, or did the employee fail to insure the power was off.  One of those answers is Tesla’s fault, the other is the employee’s fault.

I am 100% sure they have that already. And I am also 100% sure that they are circumventing it because it slows down business.

Ha! I couldn’t have planned a better typo.

“Ask your doctor if Legaqualoff is right for you!"


Sure. Among the glut of creatively bankrupt revival series Nu-Frasier is definitely on the “well, this is unnecessary” side of the divide rather than “painfully unwatchable.”

Is David Hyde Pierce slowly morphing into Fisher Stevens?

That’s all well and good, and I respect his condor and creative decisions. What I take issue with is AV Club posting a picture of a baby hatchling with glasses on and trying to pass that off as a picture of David Hyde Pierce.

Jesus fucking christ, did he drink from the wrong grail!?

Admittedly knowing very little about him, he strikes me as the kind of person who would prefer to do work that interests him over money he doesn’t need. Given that he was making about $1M per episode, I’m gonna guess he doesn’t need anymore money.


I wish they had brought in Annie Murphy for the scene. That would have been a cute little Easter Egg.