“Historical people all sounded British ..all of them ..Greeks , Egyptians, Romans, *British, Vikings, ..except the important, really good looking ones , who sound American.” Every Hollywood ‘historical’ movie ever.
“Historical people all sounded British ..all of them ..Greeks , Egyptians, Romans, *British, Vikings, ..except the important, really good looking ones , who sound American.” Every Hollywood ‘historical’ movie ever.
“American movie makers !! Stay in your fucking lane and just make historical movies about Americans ..just pretend that the rest of the world doesn’t exist and that nothing of interest happened before 1492 ...oh wait you mostly already have been doing that ...er..ok carry on then”
“Scott, who of course is British, shrugged off comments like that in typical Ridley Scott-style, arguing that, “the French don’t even like themselves.””
The solution is obvious: do the whole film in mime.
I can’t say much about the age of departure here, but it’s quite a nice thing to leave behind a body of work that those who knew of you can treasure as they are reminded of your existence. It sounds as though she achieved this.
because that kind of very-online anti-fun/creativity “criticism” is exhausting and pretentious
1. I’m on TikTok but apparently not the “right” part, because I missed the whole Roman Empire trend, and the audio on the sketch was terrible, so I had no idea what was going on. The repeated slapping put it over the top into “don’t care” for me.
(and they will just wait a couple months and quietly put them back anyway)
Im a 40-year-old lifelong Hoosier and I fucking love this thing
This sounds like that classic Onion article about the Bears Shufflin’ Crew, and I’m here for it.
Agreed. You can’t talk about the best food moments without mentioning the George Foreman Grill bacon.
This was surprisingly less than terrible. Not much less, but hey. Next time get Taylor Swift instead of Travis.
and carry pr0n
The sharp edges and corners says otherwise.
Hmm why am I thinking Henry Cavill moustache......
I feel like at least half these teams have to be money-laundering schemes.
I’m a little confused by it. They can remove mustaches, reanimate the dead, etc with CGI but covering or replacing ad space is a no go?