I thought it was sick though.
I thought it was sick though.
Definitely worth watching.
Best thing either of them has done.
All six of those fools passed on the solid white line with virtually no room against oncoming traffic. No heroes here.
Ah, my annual opportunity to say how much I unironically dig 1981's My Bloody Valentine, which is a GREAT underseen horror flick; and that Rawhead Rex may be a goofy fucking film but it has some great stuff in it, including a couple of mouth-claspingly funny/awful moments. Demon pissing on a priest? It has you…
Doing some napkin math with the stats (dated but give an idea) probably about $6M in value for the pick your own apples industry. Agro (including fishing and other industries) in the state is about $450M and apples are a very small portion at about $20M.
I need to print this out and put it in my wallet with my other facts about giraffes.
Pretty sure the “one weird ass looking thing in the middle” is some kind of snail shell, some species of which are illegal to import or own in the US.
Sounds like you HAVE been there...it is basically Philadelphia and Pittsburgh surrounded by Kentucky. There are MANY weird regions...the Poconos/NEPA, Lancaster county, the northern border with Western NY, the exurbs of Pittsburgh, State College and the Cult of Penn State...plus many mall little sub-regions with their…
And the inspiration for one of TV’s most underrated weird alien children - Dick Butkus from The Neighbors, son of Larry Bird and Jackie Joyner-Kersee:
Brian’s Song trickled its way down to my health (“health”) class in the very late 90's. Kids today are almost certainly missing out; their meatheaded homophobe teachers, to take a break for a while, aren’t showing them the achingly sincere 70's TV movie love story about two guys being dudes.
Yeah I know he’s reportedly dead but I’d be careful if I were you.
Goddamfuckit I would have been extremely on board with more F13 stuff and anything having to do with Christine. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT NEGATIVE IMPACT OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT LITERALLY EVER.
God. Damn it.
So that $24M is just sunk costs?
But another factor, which Doud detailed in a 2021 audit, was undoubtedly what she called “excessive markups” and management fees for Urban Commons that caused costs for some of the ship repairs to balloon.
They still together? Seems like decades since they annoyed the hell out of me.
Well, Fergie does have an interesting infection in her poops.
They updated it? Well then the lack of Reginald the Vampire is an even bigger insult!!
He was sentenced to hang in Australia. So he survived, as it’s upside-down there.