
You know, after watching the movie, I would totally believe that Brad Pitt was channeling his inner David Spade for the role.

Right? The first duel where he’s using a knife is just too cool.

Sure would, I make ~20% less than that amount and would get a Ford Lightning if I could. (with a monthly stipend from employer of course) 

Happily surprised too

I am fucking stunned this wasn’t a slideshow.

The reporting on this aspect has varied. Some outlets (like Bloomberg) have reported that punitives are capped at 2x the economic damages (compensatory loss or loss of earnings) + 2x $750,000. Others (like NYT) have reported that they are capped at 2x the initial award + 2x $750,000.

I'm no lawyer, but I've seen some credible arguments from Texas lawyers that the cap on punitive damages may not be constitutional, so we'll have to see how it plays out in appeals.

Texas law.
Texas law says that in cases like this one, the damages are limited to 750K per defendant.
Not that I think he’ll pay any of it, ever.
I watched his response video after his awful day in court.
He was completely, totally, absolutely unrepentant, and I think they should’ve played some of THAT show before

Ouch! I burned myself on your hot take!

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All commercial strawberries are a cross between F. chiloensis and F. virginiana. These are just another variety selected for particular traits.

Still is I think. And as with most all reality shows, its very much staged. But from I gather watching a few episodes here or there, some of the cast was at one time, actually illegal moonshiners. Obviously they aren’t actually committing real crimes on TV, that’s all the staged part. Some of the stuff they talk about

Yep famous box office draw Scooby Doo :)

I will order a steak with a side of steak at a steakhouse. 

Well of course he did. Those planes were at thousands of feet.

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Snack Pack’s still around, but not with the bitchin’ metal pull ring tops that they always warn you about. Probably plenty of sliced finger and tongue stories out there.

I’d watch a musical about a young woman cast as Batgirl, her relationships with the crew and costume people, and the behind-the-scenes shenanigans of making a bad movie. Especially if Michael Keaton gets a solo wearing dark eye-makeup.

I’ve read that the cancellation was some combination of the movie being bad and a tax write0off, but I haven’t seen anywhere that they’ll recoup all their money (~90 million). Did you read that somewhere?

Cats was Universal, but yeah. I’m not buying this. Like Day the Clown Cried got buried because everyone decided it was in incredibly bad taste, like it would be very offensive in a way they didn’t intend, that’s what it takes to really bury a thing. Just a bad movie? Hollywood has never seen that as an obstacle

“Riddle me this, Batman...Who has two thumbs and your car?”

The problem with this remake is that they’re 100% guaranteed to misunderstand that “not everything is what it seems in this tropical paradise” is not the plot of Roadhouse.