
Every time I see this video, I laugh and laugh. How the light just goes out of his eyes when they all want to eat it. Doesn’t he understand that he’s now their God?? He MADE CHICKEN NUGGETS. Hell, I want a food processor that can do that.

What’s the big deal?  That looks delicious.

Yeah, that’s the video!

I still find it funny that Coors Light’s slogan was “Coldest Tasting Beer in the World”.

I say ‘No thanks, those aren’t potato chips’, and then I throw up a little.”

To me he’ll always be “the guy who isn’t Jerry Reed”

And yet you forget the show that paved the way for all those shows you listed:

...this thing called The Simpsons that I keep meaning to watch.

And they did this... during the day?

Look, I know a lot of people are going to (rightly) point out that Macfarlane doesn’t take nearly as active a role in his animation endeavors these days, but all I’m saying is that it’s a ballsy move for the creator/executive producer/half the voice cast of Family Guy to talk shit about pandering to the lowest common

would blowing your engine? its a maintenance item.

Excellent. +1

I don’t really believe this crap but it would be funny if he got to Heaven and Jesus was like “My man,  I love that “Personal Me” song!”

It flickered for Howard, but the flame blew out when Lalo entered. I liked that touch. 

“Now listen to me! Upsetting man-shorts and an ugly masonic sleeve tat isn’t good enough! You want gravitas? You gotta grow a majestic beard!”

I’ve never been for a race, but when visiting my now wife, then girlfriend, who always lived near the speedway, she took me there. It really was something, like that scene in “The Worlds Fastest Indian” where he talks about Bonneville like hallowed ground. I think being empty at the time made it more dramatic.

It seems strange on the surface to make a very personal drama about a basketball scout but have it be for the Philadelphia 76ers rather than some made up regional team with low money. The NBA doesn’t have one-man scouts who traverse the world in a beater making personal relationships and feely goody moments lmao. It’s

And those three movies are: Spanglish, Funny People and Punch Drunk Love.