
Jabbar drove a deadlier weapon than the truck used in the report’s scenarios - a newer F-150 Lightning, a much faster, heavier and quieter electric vehicle.

Can it hop with just the left or right wheels?

But I will say that a vehicle shouldn’t allow you to send all of the power to one set of wheels if it cannot physically handle doing that.

but what about the other way around?

if this exact car was released by Tesla and called the CyberSedan we’d all be hating on it.

Don’t wanna poke the worm, but don’t you need to do something about those chromishey headlights?

You aren’t going to defeat EZ Pass.

I was wondering if they might charge you every time you circled the block trying to find something.

I wondered that too, but about the last half the video above is some gripping footage of cars going down the street with some sensors (I guess) hanging above. It took me awhile to see them. They must be license plate/EZ-Pass readers.

I think Clinton gets too much credit for the economy.

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Waymo gets confused and circles parking lots indefinitely.

I think that was before the stripper pole era, or it’d probably have one.

Probably enough DNA still in there to clone Bill if you wanted.

The so what is because of the speed and stealth of these unmanned AC, they are the most dangerous threat to national security that has ever existed. They basically have an unlimited payload capacity and can park it over the WH if they wanted.

I bet people do that all the time. It’s hard to see with the glare on the screen, but they need more lines and signage to stop inattentive drivers from doing that.

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Yeah, being called a Chad being a compliment is just another reminder we live in an upside down timeline.

Those who prefer glass fields shouldn’t throw stones.

so a minor scuff that aluminum would brush off could be a race-ending incident