This isn’t the first time a police chase has led to disaster
This isn’t the first time a police chase has led to disaster
Do you WANT potholes?
I’m going mostly by the miles of razor wire I see on roofs trying to keep copper thieves away from the copper in HAVACs.
retractable cables which prevent potential hazards for pedestrians
Don’t think the President can reverse a civil judgement.
When are these fucking gangsters gonna stop stealing Lauren Bacall’s shit???
Loved Silent Running.
empty woodlands to run around in and vintage race cars.
Are those rivets?
I think there were old VW Bugs that had the filler inside the frunk.
It was also in a low budget, but kind of famous, 1980 movie called The Lathe of Heaven.
Brutalist buildings are characterised by minimalist constructions that showcase the bare building materials and structural elements over decorative design. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brutalist_architecture
Watched the video, and the porch pirate looks like a young kid.
I think lots of people from NYC don’t have driver’s licenses.
Oops. Ignore this.
Humid air is less dense than dry air.
shows the brutalist pickup accelerating
He’d also have video from the CT.