
I think this is different. Something in your food probably came from the kitchen. A bedbug on a plane came riding on a passenger. He’s as likely as anybody if he just came from a hotel.

Is he sure he’s not the one who brought the bug onto the plane?

On public transit, the emphasis *should* be on B.O.

I sat in the face to face front seat of a Southwest flight across from another tall person.

Elon Mush is probably the third worst person in the world, after Putin and tRump.

Oops, missed that. I guess “rub oven” didn’t click in my brain.

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Also, you’re almost certainly saying Robovan wrong.

A less stupid version of this might work great in his Las Vegas tunnel.

And you don’t really need to worry about spoilers, given coverage it gets.

Their drivers followed the Boring Company’s vehicles “believing they were accessing a ride-share pickup spot or entry to parking, and were immediately directed out.”

How are all those people going to vote in 27 days.

United offers a flight from Burbank to Palm Springs for just $277.

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But what if it starts sinking and you’re surrounded by sharks?

We already have a reference everybody can visualize. We should use it.

I can’t believe Uber Eats has an arbitration clause and Uber doesn’t.

Not only is it something that’s a bummer to find out when it’s time to sell the car, but it can also lead to more buyers rolling over negative equity into their next car loan and continuing the cycle.

It’s unbelievable.

Freebie and The Bean with James Caan and Alan Arkin.

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There’s also a motorcycle chase that sorta works for this story.