I know how the space bar works. That’s how I usually page down on websites.
I know how the space bar works. That’s how I usually page down on websites.
I don’t know if it’s factored into the numbers, but there must be way more people with car loans than mortgages or college debt. Buying a car is the biggest financial transaction a lot of people ever make.
Yeah, the people who want one really want one.
It’s a good thing it didn’t work, or he’d be on the way to the emergency room.
Side note has anyone else been mid typing and suddenly go jumped down the page.
Where’s this dude when you need him?
This is what you get when the govt can’t control what you see.
Looks like a big disk floating in space.
Is that cowcatcher front end for negotiating through crowds of pedestrians?
The suspension failure–related recall addressed a particular propensity for control arms to corrode and fail, which could lead to a crash.
old ‘72 nova in the late 70's
That’s amazing. I always (and still do) pictured that sharp, rusted edge slicing into my shin as my foot hit the ground, even though I knew in my head it’d cut from the back.
Yeah, at that scale, it seems like it’d be better to ship the trucks to/from a few specialized places, rather than have each dealership do it.
I remember straddling holes rusted through the floorboards as a kid, watching the road fly by beneath my feet.
Replacing the frame? Is that something they do?
Given the limited number of runways, and planes on the runways, it seems like a solvable problem, compared to so many air traffic problems with practically infinite permutations.
Doesn’t changing the size of the tire nullify any slicks vs treads traction comparison.
Why are his hands like that?