It’s probably just some hair-brained idea a DaimlerChrysler engineer had
It’s probably just some hair-brained idea a DaimlerChrysler engineer had
The Cybertruck IS a big step forward. It’s also happens to be big and stupid looking
I remember an episode of COPS where they weren’t even allowed to use their cars to block a car from leaving a parking lot.
Even if one bathroom is to keep the filthy help out of the executive loos, three bathrooms seems like a lot for the occupancy with space at such a premium.
What happens if Tesla has to replace a wrapped Cybertruck?
Seems like somebody’d be slicing them up like that car ferry for scrap.
And they gave us all those great sea chanteys.
Is Tesla the only car that does that?
Love that movie. Depressing though.
Now they should intentionally burn that whole thing up on reentry.
I end up with so much gunk stuck between the blades that the extra ones are worthless, so they just interfere with the front one.
Fuck Everything, We’re Doing Five Blades
I’m surprised how much I was looking forward to Polaris Dawn.
Can Ryobi (for example) prevent somebody else from selling stuff that uses their batteries? I could see that, especially if their batteries are a loss leader.
Should there even be EV infrastructure in places where the temperature is routinely well below zero? Are EVs practical there?
If my life’s work was in a truck like that, I’d have somebody sleeping in it.
I was just here to sell the vehicle. We’re not Walmart. We don’t take returns.
The van was $11,000 and the repair bill is $11,000?
And even with EVs, everything on the track washes directly into it.