
yes, all we want is matchmaking. if I had that, I would get to experience the raid. Without it, I won’t, because fuck if I have to open a third party website, find some forum, and find some random players. How is that different from matchmaking??

Maybe now the idiots clamoring for raid matchmaking will stop kidding themselves that it’s doable with mic-less randoms.

I’ve beaten all but one Destiny and Destiny 2 raid with complete strangers, and multiple with at least one or two members who didn’t have mics. The idea that you can’t beat raids with matchmaking is complete bullshit, as has been proven over and over with Destiny and Destiny 2.

This has always been my thought, make it an option, they’ll see how it is.  Raids crash with experienced players, let alone with randoms.

This cinematic was one of my favorites in years. It makes me wanna play again. Thrall is one of the greatest heroes in fantasy, period. His character arc and all he’s accomplished is so amazing. I feel like him leaving WoW in the first place was a mistake, he is ultimately the main protagonist of all warcraft games.

Thrall effectively has no powers right now. After killing Garrosh he became depressed and guilty, he thinks the elements no longer listen to him. They do though, it’s like shaman erectile dysfunction.

So Thrall is, lorewise, one of the most powerful and gifted shaman to have ever existed - why is he sharpening tools and farming the old fashioned way?

Do they know Destiny is garbage because of this?

This is what killed WoW for me. It killed Destiny for me. I was waiting to pick up this, but nah. I’m thrilled if you have that many good players to raid with. I’m glad you’re happy if you’re a person that goes on reddit just to do console content. But this isn’t for me. I literally don’t need content so hard that I

This decision is absolutely baffling. Destiny has proven that even the most difficult raids can be tackled by groups of random strangers, as the vast majority of players have had to use LFG sites to link up with other players for years now, myself included. I’ve beaten all but the very first Destiny raid with

I’ve beaten almost every single Destiny raid with “randos.” If there weren’t working LFG sites for Destiny raids, I would have probably never played any past the very first raid when a large number of my friends were playing the game. Maybe one or two of my friends still play Destiny, so raids are ONLY completed with

I don’t play the game; are people asking JUST for matchmaking, or are they asking for matchmaking AND a difficulty level that’s appropriate for random groups?

So incursions 2.0? Another activity where the difficulty is set too high for casual players to get into and that will just be kind of abandoned by the player base? Man div 2 devs just keep stepping on their dick.

Honestly, why not take a page from WoW and have the matchmade and non-matchmade versions of the raid offer different difficulties and different loot levels. If all you want to do is see the encounters/story and get some easy loot, do the matchmade. If you want the higher challenge and better rewards, do the

It’s just... odd. Last week they were convincing us 515 gear would be an issue since it could only be acquired through the Dark Zone. The Dark Zone has no level requirements, no group requirements, and has matchmaking. Instead, less than 48 hours before the raid is set to drop, Massive does a heel-turn and alienates a

It’s nice to know that while Bungie has showed the gaming companies out there plenty of examples of how and how not to do things they still willingly scatter land mines in front of themselves while they trudge through their own development.

the lack of matchmaking for these types of activities all but ensures i’m never going to attempt it. It’s actually the main reason i stopped playing destiny 2 regularly. I just don’t have the patience to post on LFG sites to try to get a group together each week. I get that for world firsts, maybe this should be no

Thanks! That makes a lot more sense, as does the use of “upgrade” for a series that likes to keep the technical competitive stuff out of the marketing. I didn’t get the wind-up toy angle that from the artwork above.

• Upgrade Pokémon of your choice

Tap to engage in exciting gameplay action!