
I never went into it expecting realism. It’s a whole lot more enjoyable when you treat it as a tactical sandbox, and do things like

The “he” and “him” refer to Snowden, I believe.

So I guess you could say.......he was exiled from play?

And the only cards marked just happened to be the cards that would be most advantageous for him to know the position of in his deck? That’s a difficult coincidence to accept.

And speaking as a former disgruntled corporal - she really gave us disgruntled corporals a bad name.

Right? Snowden gave his docs to reporters and at least was somewhat responsible about how he handled it. Manning was just like, hey wikileaks, I got some stuff. I don’t even know what it all is, it’s just all the stuff I could get my hands on.

You know it’s bad when Russia is stopping you for safety violations. That’s like Saudi Arabia criticizing you for human rights abuses.

she asserts have been used historically to “entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech.”

WikiLeaks and Julian Assange were shining examples of virtue and standing up to power and corruption.... until they released stuff that made the DNC look bad.

Can’t, that’s one of Pyongyang’s top tourist attractions, it would wreck their economy. 

Manning’s refusal to testify is an act of protest, she’s said, against grand juries in general, which she asserts have been used historically to “entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech.

If there were bullet sponge enemies in GR, I wouldn’t play the game.

Uh... Ghost Recon has NEVER been a loot shooter...

Having read the last 24 hours of Heidi’s tweets, it sounds like it was just a dead relationship that took too long to actually die. She mentions they split the relationship in February and he was ‘cheating’ last Fall... this is just a couple’s dirty laundry getting way too much publicity.  I think she is in the wrong

Well, it is North Korean after all.

I loved Wildlands and I played the co-op multiplayer probably closer to 200 hours. However, the silly things like healing drones ruined the experience for me little bit. Or the fact that you carry your whole arsenal with you. The way how you call in different support elements was both unrealistic and lazy game design.

That’s like naming your ship the M/V Nothing to See Here

It’s a damn fun tactical sandbox if you turn off all the assists and HUD markers.

You do know they already fixed vehicle handling in Wildlands right? gonna assume you played the game at launch and are just assuming no changes were made since.

I don’t get it. If you have all 500 gear, and the gear that works best with your playstyle, the game is over. Why keep playing?