
Sure, but if you were a college-aged stoner who needed to come up with a way to deliver ravioli to your housemate without getting off the couch, this is fucking genius.

Yeah, for a design project this seems surprisingly lame. It looks like something I would have made at 10. 

This is for a college class? My middle school students would PWN those college boys!!!

And here I am single.

That’s an interesting way to spell Hudson

Tucker is clearly the best.

yes it gets stolen. Now let me tuck you in for the night. *reaches for pillow* it got stolen. Sleep... sleep.

Why? Why won’t Tony Stark be driving it in future Iron Man or Avengers movies? Does it get stolen or something?

Those people should take the bus.

I assumed not, but...well, put it this way, the company that does the card-reader gizmos for the vending machines at work used to be named “Isis.” For some reason they decided to change all the labels a couple years ago. Can’t imagine why. 

Ya, that would make sense. Still can’t believe anyone would purposely put a spy device in their car for the insurance companies to use, but under the guise of saving money I guess people can be talked into anything.

That’s what I want to know. On long road trips, my passenger usually handles the music and responds to texts and calls on my phone so I can stay focused on the road. How would the insurance company be able to distinguish that?

Read the comment again.  Sucks when you say something really stupid on the internet and can’t take it back doesn’t it.  

I say this as a former NASCAR fan and as commentary of this article but...

Yeah, that went on for at least twelve minutes too long.

Everyone is going crazy about the teeth, but for me the worst part of the trailer is Jim Carrey’s insanely unfunny “witty” dialogue with General Damien Dah’rk.

Nah, he isn’t getting any sex from believing that anymore, so he stopped believing it. Nowadays he keeps himself busy making crappy political art and getting into Twitter feud with Mussolini’s grand-daughter. (not a joke, that really happened).

Y’know, the Mario movie actually does have some interesting production design. It was made by Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel, the music video pioneers who created Max Headroom, and the sets have a kind of dieselpunk-y Brazil thing going on. The problem, of course, is that’s based on a game full of bright colors and

Does Robotnik blame Sonic’s condition on vaccines?