
I think that was from too much downforce supplied by that sick wing.

I don’t think I need a driving school to teach me how to jump my car.

Don’t jump your car too hard, or you might completely ruin it, like this:

What about longevity and disposal? Embodied energy covers the entire life cycle, from harvesting raw materials, to eventual disposal.

Don’t be so pedantic. The average duration of a new car loan in the US is currently 5.75 years or 69 months. To imply that loan duration is extending is entirely accurate. It is not holding steady nor is it decreasing. Selecting one word as well as the outlying extreme duration I used to make my point is being as


Competitive game with prize money on the table. Far from being a “children’s card game” at that point.

My parents have been telling me for years that I should be on Jeopardy. I didn’t know about 1488 until last year. Not everyone spends all their time obsessing over Nazis like the modern Left does.

Guaranteeing a bed and a place of work for all citizens? I’m a fan of Minecraft becoming a treatise on effective communism. 

I’m pretty sure the majority of people have no clue that those numbers represent anything. Hell, I don’t even know what 14 is about. 

Running in dress shoes suuuuuucks.

Meh, CS isn’t that bad. Yeah, my eyes burned, but I was more concerned with the mile long boogers falling out of my nose and the fact that it felt like I was breathing in sandpaper over my eyes.


Not sure when this pic was taken, but that’s an old-ass iMac

In N. Korea, the “training requirements” are: you’ll run in step, or we’ll execute every member of your family until you get it right.

We’re supposed to like our coworkers enough to go to lunch with them?!?

Wrenching on a weekend is considerably less fun more motivating if you need that same car to get to work on Monday.

This is just piss poor advice right here.

There is not a SINGLE part on that vehicle that can handle this engine.