
Good luck convincing the police to take on that kind of liability going the wrong way down a highway.

I’ve always irrationally wanted one of these:

If a huge mammal attacks you out of nowhere, and has likely tried to hit you with the neck snap manuever, there really isn’t any fucking around at that point, reptile brain is going to wake up and do some life saving shit.

I would totally add “Strangled a mountain lion” to my resume and get business cards printed.

One time I went out for a run in Muir Woods, after a moderate rain, and I hit a puddle that I didn’t really see and ended up twisting my ankle. I had to hobble all the way back to my car. So I know what this guy was going through.

This. I have a extended cab and love the usable bed, extra dry storage and occasional passenger space. I’ve started calling crew cab short beds (usually black) Dad Trucks. Never me.

Grille only slightly smaller than the new Silverado. 

HAH! Seriously, he gets paid for it, do it right or not at all, but that was funny!

“......when me and seven of my friends.....”

Dyslexia makes me think those say slut life

Rey makes Leia look like a child in that lineup.

Looks like something i built in GTA

I agree. I’ve never been a fan of bro-dozers, but that thing is just so delightfully ridiculous and over-the-top that I kind of want one for the novelty.

Dad never did end up taking you to Monster Jam like he promised, did he?

I’ve irrationally always wanted one of these. Slap a lift and some super singles on it, gorgeous. 

but I had no idea the Starkiller Base from Star Wars: The Force Awakens was so much larger than the first two Death Stars”
It was a pretty big part of ep 7, Han even suggested they take it down like the deathstar and they projected the difference. Did you even watch the movies? 

My shortsightedness? Pretty much everyone who is nerdy enough to comment on Gizmodo knows exactly why the 5G E thing is a scam. Pretending like I don’t know is just an obvious attempt at a personal attack on me.

Yup, just introduced last month...

Like everyone else, it’s just announcing its intent to run in 2020.

Is it safe to hold that shit, or are we about to have a bunch of Cuban Hulks running around?