
Porsche smugness is at least quieter and just an air of superiority rather than Tesla smugness where they’re trying to shove it down your throat. And I think most people recognize that Porsche makes good cars, giving the smugness a bit of credibility.

This happens every couple of years. And the cycle is always the same.

1) Media fawns about it.
2) Authorities get wind of it.
3) Turns out it was always an illegal lottery and it gets shut down. 

Roses are red

Are you blaming Republicans for possibly not meeting your birth mother and her extended family? It seems like unnecessary detail you went out of your way to write.

Trump supporter here (from a general policy perspective, not personal). You’re full of shit. We certainly don't like this situation or take pleasure in other people getting screwed.

Guy moves up north from the south. Hears about ice fishing. Goes to Bass Pro, and buys what he needs. Goes out on a frozen lake & cuts a hole. Baits a hook & drops it in. An hour later, he has not had even a nibble. A kid walks by pulling a sled with fishing tackle. Kid goes just far enough away, that guy can’t tell

She had a hell of a head start.

A string of reasons....

GM Part Number: 71435862 - Grill Mounted Selfie Stick

It’ll still fit in older garage’s too

This is for people that like the Honda Ridgeline but want to tow a boat. 

Throw gear in the back without mucking up the interior. Haul yard waste or power equipment. Tow small to medium trailers (7k tow rating). Get a lot of the benefits of a truck for the needs of a suburban homeowner without having to drive a behemoth. Look good doing it.

It looks at once bored and angry.

I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sold on this engine tower concept I’ve got going.

Maybe we should orient them so that the cylinder banks are on a different planes, maybe in some sort of V type shape.

B. One on top of the other.

Okay, so hear me out. I’m not a scientist or anything, but it seems to me like the solution here is to put two of the 4 cylinders into the engine bay. The truck’s big enough, it’ll probably work. Then you’ll get even more power, and surely that will lead to increased gas mileage. Right?

Except, they can’t. Not accurately. Every audit of these so-called discoveries reveal huge mistakes endemic to these fields. Resistance is currently insurmountable in taking a break and cataloging EVERYTHING again and ignoring EVERYTHING we thought we knew to make sure we got it right.