Tiffani Amber Thetan

Exactly! Its really common - particularly in long lived horror franchises to have to ignore multiple entries.

It's not "wiping away" anything, it's branching! I loved Alien3, especially the brilliant director's cut (or whatever its name). I'll enjoy (probably) Blomkamp's addition to the series but it won't make me stop enjoying Alien3.
Accepting branches instead of a unique canon gives you the power to keep enjoying good

You know, I think dragons are awesome. So I'm going to have my kid get a dragon tattoo when they're born.

If parents are saying "I want to cut off a part of my child's body", I think we shouldn't be saying "your call!", but rather "yeah... let's wait until he's old enough to decide whether he wants to cut that off, because... your desire to cut off a part of his body is weird, and kind of creepy, and really sort of wrong."

Likewise, double mastectomy in infant females reduces breast cancer by 99%.

If it's beneficial isn't the question, it's by how much - and on that front the results are negligible at best.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that maybe that's because circumcision *prevents* those things?

They've also been disproven, which is kind of the point of the article if you take the time to read it.

For some reason it seems that the decision should be made by parents alone. Or left for person himself in later life. As for protection from STDs:

The way these terrifying DIY procedures have found a place of legitimacy among trans people who have been priced out of legitimate gender transition procedures as a direct impact of their economic disenfranchisement is the kind of systemic injustice that should keep other human beings awake at night.

She's like Coca Cola. It has no redeeming qualities, it's not even good relative to other colas, but it's so well packaged and marketed and fits our expectations so well that people buy it anyway.

"Have female characters of various body types"

Lot of damned if you do damned if you don't. I thought Destiny really went out of it's way to make everything as neutral and lifeless as possible but she still found something wrong with it. Go figure.

Puerto Rico gets most of the fun pop music folk tho.

Two, if you count Emmanuel Lubezki, who is also Mexican and won his second Oscar. Besides, two Mexican directors have won Oscars two years in a row. I know, baby steps, but believe me, for the Latino community that is HUGE.

Not without a green card joke being thrown in (by everyone's favorite woman-beating white guy) for good measure, though

A hispanic/latino guy won best director/best picture, but I guess that doesn't matter.

This whole post ...

Although bizarrely, Kotaku is mentioned directly in the script (and not via some portmanteau like Kotagon, either!), so they clearly did some research. It makes me think that they do this stuff not for the audience that doesn't know about this stuff but to intentionally outrage the audience that does. It's a good way