Tiffani Amber Thetan
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If you're interested in a non-lily-white-20-something-comedy you should check this out:

In most of the country, the answer to the title question would be "Purchase a firearm; learn how to use it." I'm not sure if that option's available to you, though.

We have a crumbling infrastructure rated, at best a D+. We have bridges and overpasses just dropping killing commuters and construction workers, and these fucking elected officials continue to waste our time and money challenging an issue that was determined 40 fucking years ago.

It addresses it with anecdote, it does not however, provide any real proof that most white liberals are not aware of the history of racism.

The point, informative. Like how it informed me that they had a law that forbade black people from living in their state. I had no idea, I know I can not be the only one.

While we're discussing Harley Quinn.... Can we talk about just how crappy her outfits have gotten since Arkham Asylum first undressed her? It opened a Pandora's box of crappiness. She used to have a classy and cool character design and now the DC artists are drawing one awful get up after another. Are they all stuck

My infinite ammo Chicago typewriter begs to differ!

Feminism isn't monolithic. Not all types of feminism is rooted in capitalism. But yeah, some brands of feminism are like "Lean in" and unfortunately that's what gets the most mainstream attention and what causes a lot of people who don't identify as feminist to believe it's a movement for entitled upper class white

"I'll be her friend." — B. Cosby

Almost every article by this author is gross trash.

Yes because approaching a topic with profound insensitivity and racism is so refreshing. Here I thought I'd have to stick to FOX news to get my daily dose.

Then that's great but I still find the article to be quite gross.

Please don't.

They want to defend Lena and the only way to do so is to omit.

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

"vaguely traumatic"? The hell, Doug Barry?

I don't think this shows how he himself is unpleasant (though of course he really is quite the unpleasant person), but rather that he has internalized what was statutory rape.