Tiffani Amber Thetan

What a stupid article:

Especially considering the last lyrics of the song are “bets revenge is your paper,” the Panthers were socialists, they thought the best revenge was murdering their oppressors, not chipping in on white capitalism.

“We are currently witnessing a bizarrely messy battle on the left about how a good feminist ought to behave...”

Fuck off you racist, nationalistic twit. Clearly “women’s issues” don’t include WOC or Arab women, who have been most effected by Hillary’s backwards support for drones and racist crime bills. Dumb Nazis like you are all the same, “women’s rights” unless it isn’t white, American women.#thisiswhitefeminism

Of course Clinton doesn’t want to do a debate in NY. When her Wal Street backers are in the audience, it’d would just be like watching the most momentous of meltdowns.

Women’s issues? Hypocrites like you can’t even call yourselves “single issue voters”. She supports a drone program that’s killed hundreds of thousands of women, and she will continue to support that program and kill women, and people of other races, in her bid to spread American imperialism and capitalist interests. I

Wow... do you even know what “socialism” is?

How exactly does Hillary Clinton care about women? You do realize she supports the drone program... you know, that kills Arab women. You liberals are such shallow hypocrites.

When you can’t win, even with Wal Street backing you up, resort to identity politics. Hillary Clinton, and her supporters, are a pathetic lot.

It’s funny how much promotion the GOP gets from Jezebel. It’ll be even funnier when these right-wingers try to revoke women’s rights, then dumb shit liberal blogs like this will try to wipe their hands clean of the whole thing and be like “we didn’t have anything to do with it”. Pathetic.

It’s okay, dumb ass liberals won’t lift a finger to do anything but make snarky comments, so apparently this has helped the SEP (Socialist Equality party) gain some traction down there.

It’s white people’s self congradulatory attempt to convince themselves that “those times” are over. I guarantee a movie made now about the race relations between whites and blacks in America (killer cops, racialized prison system, schools, etc.) may be more horrifying than any slave movie.

Isn’t this guy a huge supporter of gamergate? So I guess this is kotaku’s tacit endorsement of gamergate as legitimate? Man, you liberals are some spineless ass holes.

Is she aware that the “war on terror” has claimed between 2-4 million Arab lives? Is she aware that this country is staging a genocide against her people??? How does this even make any sense? Republican Muslim Coalition? So is that like Jews that liked Nazis say before 1934 or something?

I think we really need a way to identify the different tiers of sexual abuse and assault. The fact that we’re now trying to identify whether non-violent coercion into sex is rape really diminishes the psychological profile of men who are sadists and rape for power, versus horny 20-something idiots who don’t know how

Individualistic liberal nonsense. Typical for Western feminists to obscure basic issues, such as women’s bodily sovereighnty, with their personal issues over an outrage culture their liberal feminist blogosphere created. This in many ways reads like appeasement to the right-wing, and an admission at the almost innate

He won’t see a day in jail; furthermore, I like how our gov’t makes whipping boys of these petty capitalists; meanwhile, international banking cartels and the fed rip us off everyday.

I’m sure this is in no small part due to “socialist” councilperson, Kshama Sawant, whose name I didn’t see once in this article. Big surprise.

Let me get this straight, so because she WAS a refugee, now just a bourgie singer for some western imperialist corporation, she suddenly has credence to sit here and make a crisis of this enormity into a background ornament for her music video??? Are you fucking serious with this shit?

You liberals would excuse any amount of exploitation as long as it suits your narrow world perspective. 1) She was a a refugee in Sri Lanka, NOT Syria, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but those are two different countries, with two different circumstances producing refugees. 2) This does little to assuage the