Tiffani Amber Thetan

Thank you. The rate’s always been the same, people are just starting to be less afraid of speaking up. I have too many friends who were sexually assaulted , but realized it years later because they were so shamed into explaining it away at the time.

Your kids probably run all over you, and if they don’t yet, it’s because they aren’t old enough.

Because he deliberately says “the consequences of getting messed up” which I’m guessing by his possible age and lingo probably means drugs or alcohol. The girl is no saint, and you don’t know enough about the situation to level your gavel and decry him a shitty parent. I guarantee you don’t even have kids, and if you

So if parents non-violently discipline their kids, I’m guessing when he said “get messed up” he may have been referring to possible drug use, they have to worry about being prosecuted for...? What again? This is stupid, and won’t see the light of day in court, because it basically says “if you punish your kid, and

I guess Peter never fucked Nathan.

Idk why we assume that Hootie and the Blow Fish is somehow inferior to Mahler. Music is so subjective, and in the end should bring enjoyment, and because Mahler isn’t as enjoyable as Hootie, I think we should consider that old shit isn’t good just because it’s old. Much like wine.

I’ve been saying the same thing. The people look meh, but at least the environment looks pretty rich.

TMI Ihop gives me some violent shits.

Lawrence v Texas the plaintiff was a black man and this case brought down the sodomy laws, Windsor v US the plaintiff was a much older white woman and that case took down DOMA, and Obergefell v. Hodges the plaintiff is a white man and this is the case that will probably make gay marriage a thing. I would hardly say

Don’t look for a shred of honesty from liberal capitalist websites like Jezebel. These corporate feminists don’t give a fuck who they steam roll as long as the mens approve of them at the end of the day, and they get a pay check.

The problem with these shitty corporate anti-feminist articles is that they’re firstly: stupid. They don’t ever really get into the specifics of what group of feminists we’re dealing with, because these kinds of articles, like the MRA’s that feed off their ignorance, don’t understand feminism enough to know there’s

Except for the Westboro Baptist Church calls for the execution of groups of people and radfems don’t sooooo false equivalence.

Yeah no. First thing: communism cannot exist within capitalism, so those “communist” governments you spoke of weren’t even communist. They were dictatorships, and if you knew the first thing about communism you’d know “dictatorships” aren’t really a part of communism. Here’s a hint right, China has never been, and

Reminds me of Sally Mann, one of my favorite photographers.

What kind of ahistorical BS is this?

I wasn’t referring to their attitudes toward ethnic minorities in Great Britain, I was referring to their attitudes regarding imperialism.

You didn’t make a distinction between the suffragettes and the suffragists so I thought you were lumping them together and I was merely making commentary about how women’s movements that have a left lean too often revere the suffragettes, even though the suffragettes were right-wing war mongers.

There is a difference between the right-wing suffragettes and the pacifist suffragists.

Food waste infuriates me. I think the number is something like 3-6 million children died in the US last year from starvation... we clearly have the resources to feed the entire world, but instead we’re just throwing it all away.