Tiffani Amber Thetan

I don't know how you'd do it, but sometimes I like to imagine what the film industry would be like without capitalism.

Even the first two films were vastly different from each other.

Now playing

Feminist Laci Green said it best, and with less filler:

Here's it's stats of you ever want to use it. It's from the Pure Steam campaign setting:

I ran a steampunk pathfinder game with a clockwork dragon.

What no clockwork dragon? Oh wait that's Pathfinder... still this dude right here.

Once again I never said that a) gamergate and any of its mutative spawn were in any way a good thing (more diverse, whatever) and b) that representation wasn't a relevant issue needing to be addressed. God I think we're done we could go on for eternity.

"You seem to hate her so much that you're blind to the fact that you're contributing to the toxic atmosphere that tells women they aren't wanted in gaming."

"What you seem categorically incapable of grasping is that aggression against women in gaming is not a racial thing."

"If you want the industry to be more inclusive, the first step is to stop shouting down voices for diversity just because you think they aren't the right kind of voices for diversity."

Is that any kind of excuse not to have that kind of voice represented in the discussion? Shall POC, non-binary, and homosexual people just keep letting the straight whites do all their talking for them?

I never excused, condoned, or promoted the harassment of Anita Sarkeesian by saying she wasn't credible; anyways, that does little to address the argument that the proponents of diversity have all been white heterosexuals. Like I said at least gamergate tried, what the hell is the opposing side doing besides paying

Essentially I wish Anita was a transgendered black woman, then I feel like the call for diversity in games would have a real world face, and possibly a better impact.

That's not a good enough excuse to not get more diverse faces in this discussion. Even gamergate paid lip service to the idea of diversity with that bullshit #notyourshield tag. All I've seen their opponents do is prop up white men and women to complain about diversity issues.

Not all voices are created equal. I wouldn't listen to a self-described feminist who was friends with David Duke, why? Because credibility matters. Her position as this pro-gaming Messiah for the minorities of gaming is hypocritical bull shit, and I wish someone else would step in front of this train, but it just so

"The fact that you're going this far out of your way to discredit a woman..."

"Listen: the people you're standing with will never stop moving the goalposts."

And please stop saying "my people" as if I'm some racist, sexist, homophobic, mouth breather. Gamergate is full of Nazis, and I am VERY far from a Nazi. I think gaming women need a bell hooks, not a betty freidan, then the critics arguments would become transparent. I'm sick of white, pretty people speaking for and

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

Do you even read yourself when you write? I never once said she was a villain, that representation for women wasn't an issue, etc. Your inferential logic is like a bottomless pit of hopeless and unfathomable stupidity.