Tiffani Amber Thetan

You're a WESTERN WHITE WOMAN. Shut the hell up.

I'm sure the kids parents have more to do with that fucked up social programming than video games do you moron.


I never once assssumed what you had read, I referenced the section of the book I was talking about. I also didn't assume the sex of the person I was talking to, although I did assume their education level. That, I admit, I shouldnt have done. I'm not a fan of talking down to people, especially not women (who get this

I actually said in my original comment that oppression wasn't a one way street so no to this massive straw man that I said gay men are "more oppressed" than women. Other than this your diatribe was self-congradulatory and pointless. Thanks for the essay though.

yes because that totally never happens and everyone who criticizes gay people always does it with the best intentions in mind. People don't dismiss misogyny when discussing the treatment of women, but for some reason homophobia and heterosexism are never culpable for hostile attitudes toward gay people. That makes

I specifically referred to the first Chapter of the book that has nothing to do with pedagogy and instead discusses the relationship between oppressor and oppressed. In fact here's the line I was referring to:

Yes because approaching a topic with profound insensitivity and racism is so refreshing. Here I thought I'd have to stick to FOX news to get my daily dose.

Because sounding like a racist ass hole has never stopped white people from opening their mouths before, why should it stop you now, right Kara?

do you people even reflect on how fucked up some of your article titles sound? Replace " black friend" with "trendy handbag" and you'll get my point.

what does "one of us" even mean?

He quoted Mean Girls you hysterical moron. Sometimes I feel like these articles exist, solely, to foster a heterosexist circle jerk in the comments section.

I love how the onus never falls on straight women to deal with the fact that they objectify gay men and dehumanize them. I'm glad you think oppression is a one way street, but that just shows how uneducated you are. Try reading Paolo Friere's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" primarily the first chapter on the nature of the

He screen capped a movie dumb ass. A movie where Tina Fey criticizes women for leading the pack in misogynistic language usage.

The stonewall "riots"? I severely doubt you know what they are either, and by usage of language i'd bet you're either a homophobic ass hole, or some douche bag who has internalized some kind of shame to toxic levels.

gay people haven't sat with heterosexuals for centuries, what's fucking new? And I'm glad you having a "ghey" brother let's you feel so entitled to talk about "legitimate" gay discrimination ass hole. Are you also going to tell us that your black friend makes you an authority on legitimate racial discrimination? Is

Ow the truth of this statement was like a gut punch.

Jeez you can see the centuries of inbreeding in his face.

Seriously why wouldn't you want someone hosting a talk show that about 4-7 days out of the month is a total wild card and might tell their guests to go fuck themselves whilst they complain about their cramps, bloating, and chocolate cravings. That IS comedy gold waiting to happen, and these studios are completely dumb

The media is being pretty dishonest about this, and I smell the stink of classism in the air: