Tiffani Amber Thetan

Save your strawmen for less adroit debaters plebian.

Except that I used the phrase "men as a class" and not just "men", but you probably don't understand the difference between the two.

Didnt Charney basically make American Apparel, so even if they knock him off the board, doesn't he still get paid by American Apparel?

Fascinating, how so?

was there something especially complicated about that statement?

Actually the biggest misandrists are other men (especially men of higher socio-political station). The interesting thing about men as a class is that they hate their own sex and are more than capable of oppressing that sex using intersections like race & financial class. I really wish people would think with more

Women represent the largest tax base in the country, and as far as I'm concerned I don't see why women's tax dollars shouldn't go toward... um benefitting them.

Been facebook free for about 4 years now. I suggest everyone try it, if for nothing else than to see what a useless social media zombie you've become, and see how their moods improve. I've been much happier now that I don't have to read everyone's bitching and negativity.

I think some people act pretty naive about how competitive college teaching jobs are. Why hire someone asking for perks when there'sprobably a batch of students fresh out of programs asking for little more than a chance?

Tumblr is full of Nazis. Actual. Fucking. Nazis.

Been one of my favorite game themes since I was 15, and that was a looong time ago.

If anyone ever needed any proof that jezebel is full of a bunch of racism apologist white feminists here is the mother load. Sex possies sexifying racism. You people really need to analyze the movement you think you're a part of... maybe listen to Gail Dines or read something. Morons.

"... Echoes of Eternia looks straight out of 1998. For some people that might be an insult. For JRPG fans? It's the highest compliment.."

Posh. Grrl plz I look fabulous in a little Gucci dress.

Btw you forgot one of the core tenets of internetting: NEVER EVER REVEAL THY OWN OPINION!

Yeah it is and so are homophobia apologists

So... my point still stands... why exactly would you do it then to the only brown female in the group? Because she looked stronger, etc. etc.? And then my point still stands... she can't look strong (all the things the editor at Elle said) with her brown skin?

Just make sure you make your child feel as wanted and loved as this post makes it seem like you do (not at all like you're a bitter, horrible person who will resent the child for your decision to bear it).

"...I thought that Mindy looked powerful, beautiful, potent, and sexy in the best sense of the word: When she looks at the camera, you see a woman who's alluring and in control, a woman who's not afraid of her own desires."

Wow that sounds a lot like the apologetics conservatives use to excuse their homophobic BS. "Oh you just don't like when we call you out blah blah". No minorities don't like being attacked by majority groups just because the majority groups thinks it can push the minority group around, in this case Jezebel is