True story
True story
Neko wins the award for dumbest shit I've read today
This is a glorious casting choice. The meltdown by white snowflakes crying about it makes it so much better.
I'm looking to scrape the money together for my card so I can get off the opiods I’m on for chronic pain. They don't work well and quite frankly, living on opiods sucks.
I used to have a couple back in the day. They weren’t jnco brand, but I fucking loved them and wore them all the time. I would love to get more.
I love just listening to John's voice. It's so soothing and comforting. His videos really are the best.
I love him so much😍😍 John MacLean is amazing too. His voice is sooo soft and soothing and he is so fucking pretty too.
Wtf? The first the I want to do when I get home from swimming is take a shower. Always has been for as long as I can remember. All that chlorine or sand if I was at the beach, yuck.
You would not believe the number of straight identifying men who dm my wife on fb, insta, wherever. Her profile makes it clear she is trans. It's more common than you realize. The trans community is heavily fetishised and guys like that are called chasers.
If they’ve had reassignment surgery then it’s really no one’s damn business. It is entirely their choice. It’s a medical condition. Do you go over every sexual health issue you have had with your partners?
Trans sex workers are heavily fetishised. They don’t need to “trick” anyone. If you are ordering an escort, I'd think you would have to specifically ask for a trans person. They wouldn't just send one. Pimps want money. Dead or beaten or turned away escorts don't bring them money.
That's not a discussion for Anne to lead. She isn't trans. Those conversations are had often enough among trans people. My wife is trans and is in several different groups and the topic comes up plenty.
Im curious how my neighborhood looks. It's majority minority, with a mix of owners, renters, and vacation homes. Should be depressing.
Problem is, there really isn’t a racial slur for white people that really carries much sting because we don’t have that history. Especially the pain of the n word. Then again, these types are ultra sensitive especially when it's someone they seem lesser daring to speak out of place so, carry on.
True story
Ewwww pretty sure I've seen him around. He's exactly the douche he looks like to anyone unlucky enough to be close to him.
Um... They have doctors. She was canceling their orders for fucks sake. No one needed her to kill their kids. They needed her like they need a hole in the head.
Ship her ass back to Uganda and let them do with her what they will. I'm amazed many countries haven't banned missionaries outright (not that it stops their self righteous asses). I agree with others that this was a serial killer under the guise of missionary work. No way she actually thought she knew better than…
Clapback this week should be fun. This was excellent usual.
Presenting yourself at a port of entry and requesting asylum is a legal way to enter this country. Some of the people in these detention centers did just that. People yelled and screamed to come the right way, some tried, and we still treat them worse than animals. Legal entry or not, no one deserves this. These are…