Mine for my wife also. She wouldn't either.
Mine for my wife also. She wouldn't either.
Im white so admittedly my opinion on the matter doesn’t mean shit. I can see why that would be a big issue for you. As a karaoke fanatic I see the “ I’m just rapping the lyrics” justification all the time. There are plenty of songs I love that have that word. It’s really not that hard not to drop that word. It’s not…
Didn't they confirm after his death that he had vitiligo?
I loved the song and the video. I can always appreciate a video where men can comfortably trash gender expectations ( the bubble bath for example).
Damn I love Constantine.
That's a big part of what did it for me to. That and the church shunning me while forgiving my rapist. That didn't help either.
Exactly. As white people it is ingrained in us from birth. Even for those of us who have families that try, our education system is soaked in it, it's everywhere we go and in everything we do. We internalize that shit. We can't not. Too many people want to pretend that's not reality and don't want to see what's right…
Yes! The shit they have pulled on them is ridiculous and they need the support. I love this idea.
This. And we should be called out every single time. Without fail.
They always tell on themselves
Jesus Christ her face is just so damn punchable
Yup. My wife is a white trans woman. While it's hard for her, she knows she has it a hell of a lot easier than if she were a trans woman of color. Just looking at the murder rates alone shows that.
As if they aren’t already reminded every damn day anyway? Wtf? Seriously? If any kids need that lesson it’s the white kids. The ones who have no damn clue about the true horrors of slavery. Doing that to a black child comes across threatening. Like “ we took you out and we could put you back” type of way. That’s how…
I will be using that again later thank you for this
That question was beyond inappropriate. She’s lucky she didn’t get the slap she deserved for that stupid shit. Wtf?
I agree. I’m one of those people who gets migraines from smells. It’s my problem. The smells have to be stronger than a spritz of perfume, but if a smell bothers me and I suspect it will set off a migraine I move the fuck away and take my meds. I also carry earplugs with me everywhere because loud sounds are my…
I met one of the most amazing women I know on a mom forum. She was called racist every damn day several times a day by the white bitches there because she spoke the truth about being a black woman in America loudly and proudly. I love your articles so much because they make me think of her. I love sending them to her.…
Also, you don't fucking speak for me so knock that shit off.
Please don't not all white people. Please just don't. Seriously. If an article here doesn't apply to you, cool. If it does it's time for some deep reflection and some efforts to change, but to throw out some "not all white people" shit is not needed or wanted.
That shit is nasty. No one should bathe in it